The analysis of data would cover such areas like the evaluation of computers, concept of modern and information system, E-payment etc.
one hundred questionnaires were distributed tot eh staff of the ministry of finance and eighty of them were collected from the selected respondents who were chosen randomly. Percentage would be used in analyzing the data in order to enhance understanding and clarity. Chi-square (X2) analysis would be used in testing the hypothesis.
It is clear that the continued survival of any organization depends on its ability to respond effectively to the demands made upon it from both its interval and external environment. This therefore, cells for valid judgment of what the future would look like. This can only be achieved were concerted efforts are made to study past trends and asses present conditions in order to make valid projectstions into the future.
Table 4.1: Staff responses to whether there is computer unit is enough to serve the function of the ministry.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 32 40%
No 40 60%
80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From table 4.1, 40% responded yes and 60% responded No. senior staff were result is presented in table 4 below.
Table 4.2: Staff responses to whether there is need to create a computer department in the ministry
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 62 77%
No 18 22%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.2 it is clear stated that the 62% percent indicated that the ministry need to create a computer department while 18%
responded No. hence the table show that there is need for the ministry to create computer department.
Table 4.3: Does the management staff use computers in record keeping Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 27 33.27%
No 53 66.75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.3, 66.25% responded No and 33.27% responded yes. The management staff o the ministry were asked the same question.
Hence the result presented in the table and most of the management staff were not computer literate.
Table 4.4 Does the ministry need to recruit the additional computer staff Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 48 60%
No 32 40%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
There is no organization that can function effectively without adequate amount of human resources. The need for human resources is more pronounced in service ministry. the above table shows unit 60% of workers believe that the ministry need to recruit more staff to enhance its efficiency.
Table 4.5; Does the ministry trained their staff in computer programme.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 62 77.5%
No 18 22%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
Computer are very essential tools in big ministry. The enhance the job efficiency and effectiveness and tend to make work more convenient for the worker. But most of all threaten the workers job. Because of their efficiency and their ability to process data and information and non micro seconds, the need for large number of human beings in the ministry become useless. The response as shown from the table may not be that surprising since most of the affected personal are educated and are aware of the benefit accruable to their from the implementation of such programme.
Table 4.6 Does the ministry have competent computer operators Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 62 77.5%
No 18 22%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.6 it show clearly that 77.5% responded yes and 77.5% responded No. as a sensitive ministry the must have a comportment computer because it control all the finance of the state.
Table 4.7: does the ministry posses enough computers.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 21 26.25%
No 59 22%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.7 26.25% responded yes and 73.25% responded No. staff were also asked the same question. Therefore, the result is presented in table 4.7 below which show lack of adequate computer in the ministry
Table 4.8 which type of computers are in use in the ministry.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Old 18 22.5%
Wettest 62 77.5%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From table 4.8 it is clearly stated that the staff indicated old representing 22.5% while 75.5% responded tested therefore, on eh basis of result from the table above, i.e. 4.8 we can deduce that the ministry is using the latest computer system.
Table 4.9: does e-payment receives public regard and recommendation Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 53 66.25%
No 27 33.75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From table 4.9, it is clear that 33.5% of the staff showed No and 66.25% indicated that the e-payment is regarded and recommended.
Those who showed that the e-payment is not regarded and recommended were further asked to indicate of there are reasons for not regarding the e-payment in the ministry. Most of them stated that harshness and the attitude of ministry staff made them to lose interest.
Table 4.10: does the ministry have sufficient stand by generators.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 20 25%
No 60 75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From table 4.10 it is clear that 75% of the staff indicated two while 35%
indicated yes. Therefore, the result above shows that we can deduce that lack of adequate stand by generator.
Table 4.11: does e-payment solve the problem of Gost workers Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 53 66.25%
No 27 33.75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.11, it shows that, the ministry make changes only when there is existing problem 66.20% responded yes and 33.75%
responded No.
Table 4.12: DWICT enhance the management of public funds in Sokoto state
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 22 27.50%
No 56 72.5%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.12, it stated clear that 27.5% responded yes while 72.5% responded No. the result above shows that lack of competent staff can be a contributing factor to the ministry.
Table 4.13: did the introduction of computer usage brought improvement in the control of public funds in the state
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 51 76.25%
No 19 23.75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
From the table 4.13, it is clear that response to control of public fund are to a large extent not meant for future that is adequate precautionary measures are put in place to avoid unforeseen circumstances this puts the ministry in a very tight condition whenever there is the occurrence of an in foreseeable situation. It weakens the ministry efficiency and productivity in a longer and may possibly collapse in he trend is not check. This would seriously impede on the effective performance of its statutory role.
Tale 4.14 does ICT enhance the desired relationships between the ministry and other ministries with regards to management public funds.
Response Number of respondents Percentage (%)
Yes 45 56.25%
No 35% 43.75%
Total 80 100%
Source: Questionnaire 2015
Healthy interpersonal enhance group cohesion and ministry productivity. The above table shows a moderate level of interpersonal relations. The 56% percent response representing 45 number of respondent, means that the number of those who think in this direction is higher but the gap is not wide enough to show a very high level of response improvement can still be made in this direction by organizing training programme that would enhance healthy relationship question 15 is what is your own view on question 14%
Answers: many respondents explained that the use of IC Tint eh management of public finds on line and improvement the working relationships between eh ministry and other ministries in the state.