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Comparing IIT across Selected ECOWAS Countries


Trade 5.9. Nigeria’s Intra Industry Trade in Intermediate Products Comparing IIT across Selected ECOWAS Countries

The descriptive summary of the computed IIT in final products for the three selected ECOWAS countries between the period of 2001 and 2011 is presented in Table 5.10.

This is in a view of compare the extent of IIT among them. The mean value of Cote d‘Ivoire IIT in final product between the period 2001 and 2011 is 0.3238 and it was the highest among the three selected countries. The mean value of IIT in final products between 2001 and 2011 for Ghana and Nigeria were 0.1640 and 0.1549 respectively.

Similarly, the maximum IIT Cote d‘Ivoire has between the period 2001 and 2011 was 0.4283, it is about double of the maximum IIT Ghana and Nigeria have between 2001 and 2011.

In the animals; animal products, while Cote d‘Ivoire recorded pure ITER between 2001 and 2011, Ghana has higher mean value of IIT than Nigeria. In the vegetable products industry, Cote d‘Ivoire also has the highest mean and maximum IIT with EU in the period 2001 and 2011. While the mean value of IIT for final products in the vegetable products industry in Nigeria is higher than that Ghana, the maximum value for Ghana is higher than that of Nigeria. Only Cote d‘Ivoire has IIT in animal or vegetable fats industry, for Ghana and Nigeria Animal or vegetable fats industry were purely ITER between 2001 and 2011. While Nigeria performed least in terms of IIT with the EU in prepared foodstuffs; beverages industry, the performance of Ghana is not as much as that of Cote d‘Ivoire. Ghana‘s trade with the EU in mineral products was purely ITER between 2001 and 2011. Cote d‘Ivoire IIT with the EU in mineral products was more than that of Nigeria in the same period. While Ghana has the least IIT among the three countries in products of the chemicals that of Nigeria is equally lower than what Cote d‘Ivoire have. Cote d‘Ivoire didn‘t have IIT in plastics and articles thereof, while Nigeria‘s IIT in with EU in plastics and articles thereof was higher than that of Ghana.

As regards raw hides and skins, leather, Nigeria‘s trade.



Table 5.10. Descriptive Comparison of IIT in Final Products among the Selected ECOWAS Countries

Cote d'Ivoire Ghana Nigeria

Harmonized System Code List Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Animals; Animal Products Non non non 0.0003 0.3422 0.1797 0.0079 0.2987 0.0260 Vegetable Products 0.0309 0.6363 0.4709 0.0880 0.2924 0.1963 0.0062 0.5681 0.1393

Animal or Vegetable Fats 0.0896 0.4944 0.2591 Non Non non Non non Non

Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages 0.2248 0.4733 0.3675 0.0027 0.3013 0.1667 0.0043 0.0635 0.0259

Mineral Products 0.4384 0.9505 0.6880 Non Non non 0.0037 0.4201 0.0896

Products of the Chemicals 0.1575 0.5583 0.3343 0.0267 0.4259 0.1809 0.0026 0.6959 0.1991 Plastics and Articles thereof Non non non 0.0031 0.4958 0.1251 0.0009 0.5096 0.2027 Raw Hides and Skins, Leather 0.0279 0.5584 0.2085 0.0562 0.4134 0.2133 Non non Non Wood and Articles of Wood 0.1806 0.6322 0.3141 0.1079 0.3462 0.1879 0.0358 0.6410 0.2488 Pulp of wood and Fibrous 0.1362 0.6047 0.2538 0.0453 0.3320 0.1627 0.0007 0.9193 0.4635 Textile and Textile Articles 0.2032 0.4132 0.3154 0.1279 0.2516 0.1993 0.0229 0.6934 0.2251 Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas 0.0827 0.3324 0.1960 0.1093 0.3556 0.2056 0.0047 0.8604 0.3121 Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement 0.0129 0.5212 0.2298 0.0991 0.2758 0.1745 0.0063 0.2549 0.0842 Natural Precious Stones 0.0417 0.8144 0.2756 0.0011 0.2169 0.0962 Non non Non Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal 0.1265 0.4941 0.2969 0.2846 0.4321 0.3719 0.1129 0.6761 0.3499

FINAL PRODUCTS 0.2791 0.4283 0.3238 0.0679 0.2722 0.1640 0.0391 0.2733 0.1549



with EU was purely IIT, while both Ghana and Cote d‘Ivoire has low IIT. For the trade in wood and articles of wood sector and textile and textile articles sector and articles of stone, plaster, cement sector, Cote d‘Ivoire has highest IIT with EU, similarly Nigeria IIT with EU in the two products were higher than that of Ghana. Nigeria has highest IIT with EU in pulp of wood and fibrous sector and base metals and articles of base metal sector,

IIT in intermediate products between the selected ECOWAS countries was earlier presented. A descriptive summary is shown in Table 5.11 in a bid to make comparison among the countries. General remarks about IIT in intermediate products between the selected countries and EU are that Cote d‘Ivoire has highest magnitude of IIT than Nigeria and Ghana in five sectors. The sectors include vegetable products, mineral products, plastics and articles thereof, pulp of wood and fibrous and textile and textile articles. Also, Ghana has the highest IIT in intermediate products with EU in five of the industries and they include animals; animal products, animal or vegetable fats, prepared, foodstuffs; beverages, products of the chemical and wood and articles of wood. In the case of Nigeria, she only led the other countries in three sectors. They are raw hides and skins, leather, base metals and articles of base metal and articles of stone, plaster, cement. None of the three countries has IIT in Natural precious stones and footwear, headgear, umbrellas



Table 5.11. Descriptive Comparison of IIT in Intermediate Products among the Selected ECOWAS Countries

Cote d'Ivoire Ghana Nigeria

Harmonized System Code List Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Minimum Maximum Mean Animals; Animal Products Non Non Non 0.0001 0.6375 0.2191 0.0036 0.5227 0.2050 Vegetable Products 0.2414 0.6057 0.4671 0.1225 0.3248 0.2188 0.0036 0.1259 0.0371 Animal or Vegetable Fats 0.1244 0.4816 0.3008 0.1316 0.5900 0.3765 0.0243 0.2678 0.1321 Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages 0.1224 0.2925 0.1842 0.0065 0.4871 0.2751 0.0173 0.4976 0.2022 Mineral Products 0.1364 0.4847 0.2553 0.0316 0.4949 0.1930 0.0605 0.3930 0.1919 Products of the Chemicals 0.1020 0.3582 0.2050 0.0887 0.5990 0.2784 0.0110 0.3853 0.0540 Plastics and Articles thereof 0.2325 0.4767 0.3185 0.0881 0.4519 0.2404 0.0824 0.1566 0.1283

Raw Hides and Skins, Leather Non Non Non Non Non Non 0.0603 0.4445 0.1971

Wood and Articles of Wood 0.1418 0.4916 0.2668 0.0439 0.6056 0.2758 0.0704 0.7767 0.2504 Pulp of wood and Fibrous 0.1822 0.6434 0.4025 0.0012 0.4676 0.1212 0.0041 0.7104 0.1456 Textile and Textile Articles 0.1392 0.4719 0.2908 0.0950 0.4747 0.2220 0.0890 0.2722 0.1718

Footwear, Headgear, Umbrellas Non Non Non Non Non Non Non non Non

Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement 0.0733 0.4887 0.2275 0.0645 0.8170 0.3203 0.0179 0.7919 0.4518

Natural Precious Stones Non Non Non Non Non Non Non non Non

Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal

0.1910 0.4900 0.3127 0.0769 0.4464 0.2385 0.3644 0.5356 0.4295

INTERNEDIATE PRODUCTS 0.1418 0.2616 0.2154 0.0638 0.2553 0.1986 0.0882 0.3370 0.1731