Owerri 1 Ikeduru LGA
5.5 Conclusion
The findings arising from this study may serve to rekindle some new thinking with regard to the need to take a closer look at the factors that determine candidates‟ achievement in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and other public examinations in Nigeria. The findings showed that test anxiety in candidates significantly
determines their achievement in academic endeavours. Test Anxiety in candidates occurs as a result of the importance attached to WASSCE as it is used for both certification and higher education. Hence, WASSCE has been described as a high stake examination because parents are expectant of high achievement from their children writing the examination, school authorities expect their students to do well in the examination as they use the result as a measure of quality, teachers also expect students to do well in their specific subjects as the teachers‟ promotion in most schools, especially those that are privately owned, is often tied to the performance of students in public examinations, while the government expects high achievement from candidates to justify the huge sums they invest in education. As a result, candidates become very anxious of their performance. Thus, their anxiousness often leads to them making serious mistakes that ultimately have a negative effect on their achievement in WASSCE.
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