the early stage of nuclear power development (Qinshan NPP Phase I ), to joint venture project financing mode (Daya Bay NPP) “construct with loans, selling electricity to repay”. The next stage is development funds raised by issuing short term financing bonds in Qinshan NPP Phase II.
The diversification of the investment and financing subject is continuing, and the prototype of financing pattern is appearing. But in general, so far, the routine financing method of State equity investment and creditor right financing is still maintained.
3.2.5. Risk analysis
Risk was defined through expert survey (expert grading) and ranked. Mitigation measures and risk allocation were suggested. Sensitivity analysis has been performed and contingencies were applied. The key risks identified are:
• Short term loans for long term investment;
• Interest rate fluctuation;
• Fluctuations in exchange rates;
• Inflation;
• Project debt risk.
Finally, the sensitivity of LCOE to changes in some important parameters (capital and financing cost, capacity factor and fuel price) have been performed. Results are reported in Fig. 13 below.
FIG. 13 China: sensitivity analysis illustration.
GW power plants will be shut down, demand increase is not the major driver behind considering or developing nuclear power. The key driver for developing nuclear power is decarbonisation.
Following 20-20-20 EU decarbonisation targets, Croatia developed national program promoting low carbon energy sources, including renewable sources and nuclear power. Low carbon sources will provide 35% of total electricity supply in all projected years (wind 1200 MW, new hydro power plants 300 MW, new small hydro power plant 100 MW). In the year 2015 it was decided by the government of the Republic of Croatia that a long-term low carbon development strategy would be prepared by year 2050. This also developed new motivation for Nuclear Power development to reduce CO2.
The main objectives behind participating in CRP were:
• Carry out a feasibility and financial analysis for potential nuclear power plants in Croatia;
• Define financial approach most compatible with current utility and financial market conditions;
• Study how the financial risks specific to new large power plants (especially nuclear power) in liberalised markets can be mitigated and allocated to the different stakeholders, and which financial arrangements are consistent with the alternative allocations of the construction and operating risks;
• Perform feasibility analysis for SMRs.
3.3.2. Financial Modelling
The objectives of the project were achieved by using IAEA models for financial analysis and energy planning. The main tool used was FINPLAN, in order to evaluate the influence of new investment project on the balance sheet of a utility with large hydroelectric assets. WASP was used for defining future electricity productions and MESSAGE for energy supply systems and their general environmental impacts. In a second phase of the project, a own model has been developed to take into account difference in hydrological conditions during the project time.
One of the objectives was the evaluation of financial risk for new thermal plant construction (including nuclear) for a company which operates in a liberalised market and with a substantial share of hydroelectrical generation.
During the first phase, models for four different technologies were developed: nuclear, Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT), coal, and solar photovoltaic (PV). For each technology, the financial results were analysed under different construction costs and electricity market conditions. The research was conducted in the following directions:
• Investment in electricity generation and the wholesale electricity market of the EU;
• Analysis of market prices on EU Power Exchanges;
• A financial model in the program FINPLAN, based on project financing model for a nuclear, coal, solar PV, and nuclear power plant project;
• Comparison of FINPLAN results for one technology to the results of a own complex financial model based on project financing model for a nuclear power plant project.
In a second phase of the project, the research focussed on the financial viability of SMRs in Croatia. SMRs can be better suited than large reactor given the forecasted very small growth of demand (driven by very strong energy efficiency policy measures) and high penetration of subsidised renewable energy sources (RES). Small and Modular Reactors (SMRs) can be built
progressively as needs arise and have better features to cope with investment scenario uncertainties, making these projects easier to finance compared to large NPPs.
An SMR has competitive chances compared to larger nuclear plants primarily because:
• Lower investment costs and lower possibility of time and costs overrun;
• Modularity (power modules) which allows better time-to-market and higher flexibility to adapt to the market conditions;
• Availability of grid infrastructure;
• Attractiveness for low demand growth;
• Higher load following abilities could ease their integration with RES, which are currently the major focus in Europe.
3.3.3. Modelling assumptions and main findings Large NPP 1000 MW
Three scenarios for a large unclear plant were investigated, covering a different range of construction costs, prevailing electricity prices, and market designs. The first scenario considers a fixed selling price and a relatively low construction cost for nuclear. The second scenario includes an higher overnight cost for the NPP, and a price for electricity sale of 45 EUR/MWh.
This price is the average market price in 2014. The third scenario has the same higher construction cost and simulated that the NPP operates in the market; the quantity of electricity sold and the electricity price therefore depend on market conditions. The main assumptions and more relevant results are reported in Table 5. The electricity price indicated in the table is relative to the year 2014 and increases with inflation (assumed at 2%).
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Commissioning date 2021 5000 5000
Investment (Eur/kW) 3500 5000 5000
Load factor (%) 80% 90% –
Electricity production (TWh) 6.9 7.9 –
Electricity price (EUR2014/MWh) 70 45 50
In the first scenario, the NPP project generates profit from year 2021 and shareholders get return from year 2025. In the second scenario, the project generates profit from year 2058 and shareholders get return from year 2077. In the third scenario, the project does not generate a profit and therefore the shareholders do not receive any return. Overall, large NPP projects show low competitiveness under the simulated conditions.
Results for all technologies were compared to hourly electricity market prices in 2014 on power exchanges in Hungary and Slovenia and the result is that NPP (but also all other technologies) cannot be competitive on current electricity markets.
SMR and Low Carbon Development Strategy
The NuScale reactor was taken as a reference for this study. A NuScale power plant is constituted by several units, each of them with a power of 50 MW, that can be incrementally added to match load growth up to a maximal number of 12 for a total output of 600 MW. The
construction time is of 51 months from mobilisation to mechanical completion, or of 28.5 month from first concrete to mechanical completion.
Assumptions used for SMR financial modelling:
• Overall EPC Overnight Plant Costs of US $2.9 billion (data from vendor);
• Financing is 55% debt (at a rate of 5.5%) and 45% equity (at a rate of 10.0%);
• Lifetime was modelled as 40 years, compared to a technical lifetime of 60 years.
Given these assumptions, the LCOE of a NuScale plant results is in the range of US $93–
106/MWh (in 2015 dollars).
The following four options were analysed for the inclusion of a NuScale SMR in “Low carbon development strategy” for Croatia and compared with the option of building a large power plant of 1 GW:
• Option 1: possibility of building one NuScale unit of 50 MW per year from 2035;
• Option 2: possibility of building two NuScale units of 50 MW per year from 2035;
• Option 3: possibility of building one NuScale unit of 50 MW per year from 2030;
• Option 4: possibility of building two NuScale units of 50 MW per year from 2030;
• Option 5: building a large NPP of 1 GW in 2034.
The analysis has been performed from 2015 to 2070. Electricity price, capacity factor of nuclear power plants and carbon emissions are calculated as an average over the period analysed. The main outcomes of this calculation are presented in Table 6.
The first preliminary analysis shows that in such a situation SMR generators would require some additional forms of remuneration, which would have to be borne by consumers or taxpayers. System average LCOE results compared with vendor calculation for NuScale LCOE US $93–106/MWh show that selling only electricity as base plant is not enough to cover all costs and that there is a need for additional revenue not only for electricity (including energy and capacity charges), but also from selling heat.
Total number of modules 9 7 12 24
2030 1 1
2035 1 1 1 1
2036 1
2037 1 2
2038 1 2 1 2
2039 1 2 1 2
2040 1 1 2
2041 1 1 2
2042 1 1 2
2043 1 1 2
2044 1 1 2
2045 2 1
2046 1 1
2047 1
2048 1
2049 1 1
2050 1
Average load factor 42% 42% 44% 38%
Average CO2 Emissions (MtCO2) 1.39 1.35 1.36 1.28
Total CO2 Emissions (Mt) 78.09 75.59 76.16 71.69
LCOE (EUR/MWh) 62.6 63.8 64.4 63.8
3.3.4. Risk analysis
The presence of uncertainties of future returns and costs are amongst the more critical factors affecting the willingness to invest.
From a strictly economic point of view, there are four main risk factors to be considered: (a) construction time, (b) investment costs, (c) variability of operating costs, and (d) market price of electricity. Most of the existing plants have been built under regulated price market, with governmental guarantees and controlled market prices, low capital costs and low investment risk. The investment risk, and the capital cost increased with deregulation of energy markets and were charged to electrical companies, penalizing capital-intensive investments projects with long time return on investment and low technological flexibility.
Sensitivity analysis has been performed. A base case and a sensitivity analysis to main parameters were performed.
3.3.5. Key outcomes
The results from all analysed cases and scenarios show that nuclear power plant of 1000 MW cannot be competitive on the Croatian (and EU) electricity market and those new different
options for NPP, like SMR, would be worth investigating, as well as if nuclear can be profitable when operated at a lower capacity factor.
The competitiveness of SMRs has also been investigated in the Croatian context. The present analysis shows the economics of SMRs should improve in order to compete in energy only markets. Additional forms of remuneration may be required, such as capacity payments, compensation for load following or other system services. There is a need to develop a model for financing SMR in which income is based on energy and ancillary services. This required very detailed modelling of production on an electricity market.