Table 1: Distribution of Respondents According to Sex
Population Male Female Percentage
Instructors 8 2 80/20
Senior Officials 2 0 100
Zonal Officials 2 0 100
L G Officials 2 0 100
Total 14 2
Based on the findings of this research 8(80%) of the instructors respondents were male and 2(20%) were female, 2(100%) of the senior officials respondents were male, 2(100%) of the zonal office respondents were male and 2(100%) local government officials were male with no female respondents (senior officials, zonal officials and local government officials)
Figure 1: Representation of Instructors based on the Number of Classes they take per Week
The figure above shows the representation of instructors based on the number of classes they take per week. Based
Four times 30%
Three times
on the findings of this study, 7(70%) teach four times per week and 3(30%) teach three times per week.
Table 2: Representation of Instructors and adult learners Respondents According to the Subjects they teach
Subjects Frequency Percentage (%)
Mathematics 2 20
English 2 20
Civic Education 2 20
2 20
Soap Making 1 10
Tailoring 1 10
Total 10 100%
Based on the findings, 2(20%) of the respondents teach Mathematics, English, civic Education and Home
Economics each, making a total of 8(80%) respondents and 1(10%)teach Soap Making and Tailoring, making a total of 2(20%) respondents.
Table 3: Representation of type Of Material Used by The Instructors
Materials Frequency Percentage (%)
Chalk 10 100
Black board 10 100
Text book 10 100
Display table 7 70
Cardboard paper 8 80
Sewing machine 1 10
Chemicals for making soap
1 10
The table above shows the material used by the instructors based on the findings of the study. When asked of the
material they used when teaching, 10(100%) indicated chalk, black board, textbooks. 7(70%) indicated display table and 1(10%) indicated sewing machine and soap making chemicals. Also when asked about the supplier of the materials, they all indicated that the state and local government of Kebbi State.
Figure 2: Representation of Respondents if they received any form of Training
The figure above shows the representation of the findings when asked if they have any form of training, based on the
Yes 100%
No 0%
findings, they all indicated that they have received trainings.
When asked about the problems encountered by the instructors when instructing, it was discovered that based on the findings of this study, sometimes the instructional materials needed at a particular time are not always available for adequate explanation of the subject, also there is difficulty in dealing with adult learner. When asked to suggest solutions of how to deal with the problems, based on the findings of the study, the instructors indicated that materials should be made available at the required time so as to enhance learning, they also indicated that the adult learner should be well discipline since they are matured enough to learn and finally, the government should increase the salary because it will serve as a way of reinforcement to the instructors.
Figure 3: Representation of Adult Learners Respondent According to their Sex
The figure above shows the representation of adult learner respondents according to sex. When asked to indicate there sex, based on the findings 8(20%) and 32(80%) indicated male and female respectively. This implies that there are more female adult learners than the male.
Male 20%
Table 4: Distribution of Adult Learners Respondents According to their Occupation
Occupation Frequency Percentage (%)
Farmers 3 7.5
Government worker
10 25
Business owners 12 30
House wives 15 37.5
Total 40 100%
The table above shows the distribution of adult learners according to their occupation. Based on the findings of the study, when the respondents were asked to state their occupation, 3(7.5%) stated farming as their occupation, 10(25%) stated that they work for the government, 12(30%) own a business and 15(37%) were house wives from the number of female respondents (32 which is 46.9%)
Table 5: Distribution of Respondents According to their Reasons why they enroll in Adult Education
Reasons Frequency Percentage (%)
Read and write 10 25
Learn a trade 6 15
Acquire a certificate 4 10
Communicate fluently in English
8 20
Further education 12 30
Total 40 100%
Table 5 above shows the distribution of adult learners respondents. When asked why they enroll in adult education, base on the findings of the research 10(25%) stated that they want to know how to read and write, 6(15%) stated that it is because they want to learn a particular trade, 4(10%) stated that they want to acquire a
certificate, 8(20%) stated that they want to communicate fluently in English language and 12(30%) want to further their education.
Figure 4: Representation of Adult Learner Respondents if they have achieved their Aims
Figure 4 above shows the representation of adult learners respondents. Based on the research findings, when asked if they achieved their aims of enrolling into the programme 17(42%) indicated yes while 23(58%) indicated that they have not achieved their aims. This implies that more than
half of the adult learners’ respondents have not achieved their desired aims.
Figure 5: representation of the number of times they receive instruction per week
Figure 5 shows the representation of the number of times the adult learner received instructions. Based on the findings, 32(80%) received instruction four times per week and 8(20%) received instruction three times per week.
yes no
Table 6: Representation of Adult Learner Respondents According to the Subject they Receive Instruction
Subjects Frequency Percentage (%)
Mathematics 32 80
English 35 78
Civic Education 30 75
Home Economics 28 70
Soap making 15 38
Tailoring 8 20
Based on the findings of the study, when asked to indicate the subject they received instruction, 32(80%), 35(78%), 30(75%), 28(70%), 15(38%) and 8(20%) indicated Mathematics English Civic Education Home Economics Soap Making and tailoring respectively.
Figure 6: Representation of Adult Learner Respondents if they have Learning Materials
When asked to indicate if they have learning materials, based on the findings of the study they all indicated that they have learning materials.
Also when asked, who supply the learning materials some of them stated that the government and also they got some of the materials personally.
Again when asked if the materials they have is enough for their learning, they all indicated that the materials are not enough.
Yes 100%
No 0%
Figure 7: Representation of Adult Learners when asked if they evaluate them
The figure above shows the representation of adult learners when asked if they are being evaluated, based on the findings of the study they all indicated that the instructors evaluate them. This implies all of them received evaluation during the program
yes no
Table 7: Representation of the Learning Problems Encountered by the Adult Learners
Problems Frequency Percentage
(%) Unavailability of learning
18 45
Unseriousness from the instructors
22 55
Busy schedule 25 63
The table above shows the representation of the problems encountered by the adult learners when learning. Based on the findings of the study, 18(45%) stated that the learning materials are not enough, 22(55%) stated that the instructors are not very serious on their own part and 25(63%) indicated that busy schedule is one of the problem encountered.
When asked to suggest some solutions to these problems, they stated that government should provide enough instructional and learning facilities, the instructors should take their job or profession serious and also more money should be allocated to the workers which will serve as a means of reinforcement.