• No results found

The educational implications of this study basically affect all the major stakeholders in the study. These include; students, teachers, school heads and policy makers.


The study revealed that teachers‘ job satisfaction has both direct and indirect effects on students‘ achievement. The educational implication of this is that if students can make their teachers satisfied by joining others to recognise the teaching profession and allow


the impact of their teachers on them to bear good fruits or bring about positive changes, they too will be able to perform better in Mathematics. Classroom management also has direct effect on students‘ achievement in Mathematics. The implication of this also is that if the students can cooperate with their teachers to manage the classroom very well, it will positively affect their performance.


Teachers‘ job satisfaction has both direct and indirect effect on students‘ achievement, therefore, teachers need to make themselves happy on the job so as to be able to see the seed they have planted in the students germinate and bear good fruits. They also need to manage their classes very well as this also has positive direct effect on students‘ achievement.

School heads:

The study showed that principals‘ qualification has indirect effect on achievement in Mathematics. The implication of this is that if principals can improve themselves academically, it will improve the learning of the students through other means which have direct contact with the principals. All the leadership styles have either direct or indirect effect on students‘ achievement in Mathematics. The implication of this is that if the school heads can combine more than one leadership styles, it will help in their administration which in turn will improve the performance of the students. The principals‘supervisory role has neither direct nor indirect effect on the students‘

achievement in Mathematics. This means that a majority of the principals have not been doing the work of supervision as they should and this gives both teachers and students free hand to do things as they like which in a way, might have a negative impact on teaching as well as students‘ achievement.

Policy makers:

The results of this study would encourage policy makers to make policies that will be favourable to teachers and give them job satisfaction. The results should also make them create condusive classroom settings which will allow teachers to manage the classroom effectively and thus effect positive changes in students‘ achievement in Mathematics.

97 5.3 Conclusion

Principals‘ factors influence the activities and effectiveness in the school set up.

Teachers‘ job satisfaction and classroom management cannot be relegated in relation to students‘ academic achievement. The high success or failure rate in Mathematics arise from different factors, some of which have been investigated in this work. The hypothesised model was trimmed and the new model was found to be tenable in explaining the causal interaction among principals‘ factors, teachers‘ job satisfaction, classroom management and achievement in Mathematics with Principals‘

transformational leadership style and teachers‘ job satisfaction having the most effective causal influence on Mathematics achievement. Principals should therefore endeavour to see that transformational leadership style is mostly used; and that teachers are well satisfied within the school environment in order to enhance achievement in Mathematics. The study also revealed that five out of the eleven variables identified to have effect on achievement in Mathematics (democratic leadership style, laissez-faire leadership style, transformational leadership style, teachers‘ job satisfaction and classroom management) have direct effect on achievement in Mathematics. Others (principals‘ age, gender, qualification, experience, autocratic leadership style,) have only indirect effect and principals‘

supervisory role has neither direct nor indirect effect on Mathematics achievement, though other variables affect it.

5.4 Recommendations

Based on the above the following were recommended:

1. Principals should endeavour to make use of transformational leadership style more than they use other leadership styles. This is because this study shows that transformational leadership style is the most important variable that affects Mathematics achievement.

2. Principals‘ should not always stick to using democratic leadership style if they realise that it will delay actions that can engender students‘ learning and achievement.


3. Laissez-faire leadership style has both negative direct and indirect effects on Mathematics achievement and should therefore not be adopted or seldomly used.

4. Teachers should be well treated by both the school principals and the government as their job satisfaction positively affects students‘ achievement.

5. Teachers should be well prepared to manage the classroom very well because a good vehicle will not drive itself as a good lesson note will not impart knowledge without a good classroom manager called teacher.

5.5 Limitations of this Study

The following are the limitations of this work:

It was not possible for the researcher to make use of all the secondary schools in Nigeria, not even in South-western, Nigeria. The work was therefore limited to one hundred and fifty schools in this study.

The study could not make use of all the principals‘ factors affecting students‘

academic achievement in Mathematics. This is due to time frame and economic constraint.

5.6 Suggestions for further study

The following suggestions were made for further study.

The study can be expanded to more than two states against what the researcher did.

Other principals‘ factors that are not included in this study especially principals‘ area of specialisation (Sciences, Art or Social Sciences) can be included for future study.

99 1. Contributions to knowledge

This study has established that transformational leadership style promotes academic achievement. Principals‘ dynamism moves the school forward in terms of achievement. Teachers‘ effective classroom management engender positive learning and achievement. Generally, it has been established that the four leadership styles under this study (transformational, democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire) have direct effect on teachers‘ job satisfaction which in turn has direct effect on classroom management and this in turn have direct effect on students‘ achievement.


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