Step 2: Computation of competitive weight (CW i )
6.4 Limitations of the study and areas for further research
The first limitation of this thesis is that it emphasises the issue of competing destinations, not giving detail attention to the issue of complementary destinations. Clear modelling and identification of complementary destinations in Africa will identify another opportunity for promoting Nigeria tourism. Research in this direction may require a survey of foreign tourists that enter Nigeria from another tourism destination(s) or that go to other destinations from Nigeria.
The second is the neglect of domestic as well as international tourism from other West African destinations. While the emphasis is on the international tourists‟ arrivals because of foreign currency generation, domestic tourism can be an important complement by reducing leakage caused by Nigerians demand for tourism in other countries. Also, intra West African tourism can provide additional information on demand for Nigeria‟s tourism.
The third relates to the neglect of tourism supply. In the same way as many other tourism literatures, the existence of a flat tourism supply curve is implicitly assumed in this thesis.
This assumption that allows modeling of tourism choices without considering the supply side, rules out potential identification problems. However, with an upward sloped tourism supply, coefficients for destinations‟ tourism price would possibly be biased downward as destinations‟ tourism price would become an endogenous variable. To analyse this point, future research may consider a simultaneous equation model. To build such a model, an appropriate study on the determinants of tourism supply would be required.
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