P- value Prob>Chi Squared
7.7 Limitations of the study
One of the major limitations of the study is the limited scope both in terms of coverage and the number of sample size. No two houses of housing market are the same, even within the same town and locality. Each housing market, therefore, is assumed to have certain peculiarities connoting that data extracted from Lagos housing market may not be used for extrapolation. For example, there are six geographical zones in Nigeria and each presents strong residential idiosyncrasies. Even within the south-western states in which Lagos housing market falls, we observe that owner-occupier houses are much more prevalent though with different housing structure and types. In most of the south-western states, there are conspicuous rural-urban dichotomy which draws a demarcating line between Lagos and other states. Also, the number of sample size is not large enough thereby making generalisable conclusion on the topic to be interpreted with some caution.
There are other important variables that may be responsible for the residential housing choice of people which are not considered in this study.
183 7.8 Suggestions for Further Studies
Quite a large number of studies have been done on residential location behaviour, but with preponderance of these studies having sociological and urban-geographical orientations. To the best of our knowledge, fewer studies have taken the same issue from economic perspectives and the available few are mostly from developed countries. A more thorough economic analysis is required in this area so that robust econometric technique can be applied.
Relevant important variables affecting residential housing choice decisions should be included by subsequent studies in this area. Also, a further disaggregated data should be used such that both regional and locational effects should be accounted for in the analysis.
Further, state by state and local government by local government analysis can be done to enable comparative analysis to be conducted on the determination of residential housing choice behaviour and also the analysis of different tenurial arrangements. For instance, owner-occupier housing could be included in future studies for Nigeria in this area.
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