A. Organizations should make training and development of their employees a continuous activity.
B. Career development in organizations should provide a chance for employees to clarify their individual goals and identify what paths they can take within the organization to reach their objectives and earn valued rewards.
C. organizations should have to develop the knowledge management practices to enhance awareness regarding career development, sharing knowledge regarding career plans, career counseling and employee retention
D. Career development should be directly linked to the satisfaction of employee in a way that employees feel value from their supervisors and organization as their goals are being focused and achieved, they get recognition because along with their own goals organizational goals are also being satisfied
E. That capacity management should be enhanced to incorporate relevant trainings based on skills acquisition and utilization and such trainings programmes should be adequately sequenced according to assessed needs.
F. Top management should improve working conditions within the organisation. The working environment should be conducive for employee’s health and safety in the department
G. Top management should reduce staff turnover in order to improve organisational productivity by retaining the best employees.
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RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ACADEMIC STUDY Department of Public administration,
Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodio University,Sokoto,
Sokoto State.
Dear Respondent,
I am a final year student of department of public administration, faculty of management sciences Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto. I am carrying out a research on the subject“ relationship between career development and employee retention in the public sector: implication for a timely intervention. A case study of Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc Sokoto (Sokoto Cement)” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of B.Sc. Degree in Public administration.
Attached to this Letter is a questionnaire aimed at gathering some vital information to assist me complete the research work. Kindly respond to the statements/questions as freely as possible in the space provided. All information given will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used solely for the purpose of the research.
Thanks in anticipation of your co-operation
Yours Faithfully,
Usman Shawai
Please tick ( ) the correct answer and write where necessary.
SECTION A 1) Gender?
A. Male ( )
B. Female ( ) 2) Educational qualification?
A. O’ level ( )
B. ND/ NCE ( )
C. Bsc/ HND ( )
D. Post graduate qualification ( ) 3) Age?
A. 20 – 29 years ( )
B. 30 – 39 years ( )
C. 40 – 49 years ( )
D. 50 – and above ( ) 4) Marital Status
A. Single ( )
B. Married ( )
5) Length of service Years
A. 1-5 years ( ) B. 6-10 years ( ) C. 11- 15 years ( )
D. 16 years and above ( ) SECTION B
Question 6-18 will generate information on relationship between career development and employee retention in the public sector
6. Do you understand the meaning of career development and employee retention?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
7. Does career development has any impact on employee performance?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
8. Doescareer development is considered important factor in employee retention?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
9. Does career development enhances organization needs to start training and development programme?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
10. Do you agree that retention of talented employees is an advantage to an organization because employees’ knowledge and skills are central to a company’s ability to economically competitive?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
11. Labour turnover affect profitability in Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
12. Does ineffective organizational capabilities and capacities affect career development and employee retention in Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc Sokoto?
A. Agree ( )
B. Disagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
13. Does poor rewards and poor style of leadership affect employee retention in the public sector?
A. Agree ( )
B. Diagree ( )
C. Undecided ( )
14. Which of these type of training your organization may adopt to improve career development?
A. Orientation/Induction Training ( )