• No results found

Respondents used the answers to the five research questions of the study which were as analyzed in table 4.7 to 4.11. In the course of the analysis, opinions of both teachers and students were categorized into two groups agreed and disagreed to give a better understanding and clear interpretation of data. 4 likert scale was used for all the computations.

Research Question one: What is the role of motivation in teaching and learning of Economics.

Questionnaire item one to five were used to answer research question one. Summary of the responses is as shown in table 4.7.


Table 4.7 Summary of the Responses on the role of

motivation in Teaching and learning of economics

Q1 S.A A D S.D

Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch T.A T.D T.R %A %D 6 320 88 294 72 44 4 15 0 774 63 837 92.5 7.5 7 300 80 360 81 30 0 5 0 821 35 859 95.6 4.1 8 348 72 360 84 10 2 3 0 864 15 879 98.3 1.7 9 404 76 279 75 30 4 6 1 834 41 875 95.3 4.7 10 304 92 345 66 48 2 0 1 807 51 858 94.1 5.9

Total 4100 205 4305 95.2 4.8

Survey: Field survey 2015

Note: The responses were multiplied according to their assigned value Grand total percentages (%)

% agreed response = Total Agreed x 100 Total responses 1

% Disagreed responses = Total disagreed x 100 Total Responses 1 Where:

S.A- Strongly Agreed, A-Agreed, D-Disagreed,


S.D- Strongly Disagreed, T.A.- total Agreed, T.D- Total Disagreed, TR-Total Response,

%A- percentage of Agreed, %D-Percentage of Disagreed

Table 4.7: Present the summary of the results of respondents on the role of motivation in teaching and learning of Economics.

Questionnaire item one sought to assess whether motivation facilitate teaching and learning in economics. Agreed had 774, representing 92.5% scores against disagreed with 63 representing 7.5%.

Questionnaire item two sought to assess how motivation enhances academic performance of students in economics. Agreed had 821 representing 95.6% as against 35 representing 4.1% with divergent opinion.

Questionnaire item three seek how motivation arose student’s curiosity in learning Economics.

The response to this item revealed scores of 864 representing 98.3% for agreed as against 15 points representing 1.7% for disagreed.


Questionnaire items four states that students that are motivated are likely to perform more better in economics. Respondents scored 834 point representing 95.3% for agreed on the other hand disagreed had 41 points representing 4.7%.

Questionnaire items five seek how organizing teaching in conducive environment arouses student’s interest in economies.

Agreed was scored by respondents 807 representing 94.1% while disagreed had 51 representing 5.9% scores.

The overall scores for agreed was 4400 representing 95.2%

against 205 representing 4.8% for disagreed. This implies that motivation plays a key role in teaching and learning of Economics in secondary school.

Research Question Two: In what way do motivation enhances academic performance of students in Economics.

Questionnaire item 6-10 were used to answer research question 2. Summary of the responses is as shown in table 4.8

Table 4.8: Summary of Answer. In what way do motivation enhances academic performance of student in Economics.


Q1 S.A A D S.D

Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch T.A T.D T.R %A %D 6 328 80 333 81 24 0 10 0 822 34 856 96.0 4.0 7 268 32 183 57 20 12 7 4 540 43 583 92.6 7.4 8 364 84 324 75 18 2 6 0 847 26 873 97.0 3.0 9 460 72 240 78 26 6 7 1 850 40 890 95.5 4.5 10 400 60 309 48 14 24 5 4 817 47 864 94.6 5.4

Total 3876 190 4066 95.3 4.7

Source: Field survey 2015

Questionnaire item six sought respondents opinion on whether the performance of unmotivated students and teachers of Economics is always bad. Agreed was scored 822 which represents 96.0%, while disagreed was scored 34 which represent 4.0%.

Questionnaire item seven sought to determine how the parental motivation of students in economics makes them feel superior to others and how motivated teacher contribute better in the school environment.

Agreed had 540 representing 92.6% marks against disagreed with 43 scores representing 7.4%.


Questionnaire items eight: A motivated teacher is more serious in his teaching. Those who agreed with the statement scored 847 representing 97.0% points on the other hand disagreed had 26 points representing 3.0%.

Questionnaire item nine, sought to determine whether students who are motivated find economics related subject interesting. Agreed has 850 scores representing 95.5% against

disagreed with 40 scores representing 4.5%. Questionnaire item 10 seeks to determine students who have zeal in economics, makes economics their life career. Respondent scored 817 points representing 94.6% for agreed and 47 points representing 5.4% for disagreed.

The summary of the result revealed scored of 3876 representing 95.3% for respondents who agreed that motivation enhances academic performance of students in economics, against 190 points representing 4.7% that had divergent opinion. To this end, it can be concluded that motivation is very important in teaching and learning because motivation to some level enhances academic performance of students.


Research question three: what is the motivational strategies adopted by economics teacher?

Questionnaire item 11 to 15 were used to answer research question three. Summary of the responses is shown in table 4.9, Table 4.9; summary of answers on motivational strategies adopted by economic teachers.

Table 4.9; Summary of Answers on Motivational Strategies adopted by Economic Teachers


STD TCH STD TCH STD TCH STD TCH T.A T.D T.R %A %D 11 308 20 360 30 20 46 8 9 718 83 801 89.6 10.4 12 212 16 153 15 202 62 4 7 396 275 671 59.0 41.0 13 116 8 141 9 260 76 9 4 274 349 623 44.0 56.0 14 460 12 225 15 30 66 10 6 712 112 824 86.4 13.6 15 336 40 363 45 14 40 5 2 784 61 845 92.8 7.2

Total 2884 880 3764 76.6 23.4

Source: field survey

Questionnaire item 11 sought to determine whether most economics teachers use words of encouragement when teaching economics in the class and whether the government motivate teachers by paying their salaries on time. Agreed to this item had 718


scores representing 89.6% as against 83 scores representing 10.4%

for disagreed.

Questionnaire item 12 was to determine if staff promotion is effective instrument for motivation. Agreed was 396 scores representing 59.0% and on the other hand disagreed had 275 scores representing 41.0%.

Questionnaire item 13 seeks to determine whether teachers of economics only motivate their students if they got the answer correctly and if a positive reward is given to a teacher who put extra effort? Agreed to this question had 274 marks representing 44.0% as against disagreed with 239 marks representing 56.0%. Questionnaire item 14 seeks to determine whether the governmentadopt different motivational strategies such as teachers promotion to boast their teaching moral, and whether teachers must be patient, and supportive to average learners in economics. Respondents scored 712 representing 86.4% for agreed as against 112 marks representing 13.6% for disagreed.

Questionnaire item 15 try to seek whether the classroom must be relatively well organized for teaching and learning to take place, and if government do allow teachers to go for seminar and


conferences. Agreed was 784 scores which represent 92.8% for those who disagreed was 61 scores representing 7.2%.

On the whole, 2884 marks representing 76.6% agreed that teachers adopt different motivational strategies for teaching and learning of economics in Dange Shuni LGA as against 880 marks representing 23.4% that disagreed with the opinion. This indicate that majority of the respondent agreed that the classroom must be relatively well organized for teaching and learning to take place.

Research Question Four: Teachers of Economics are expected to organize educational excursion for their student?

Questionnaire item 16-20, summary of the response is as shown in table 4.10.

Table 4.10 Summary of Answers


Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch T.A T.D T.R %A %d 16 100 0 169 13 244 80 8 3 282 335 617 45.7 54.3 17 368 60 285 63 40 14 8 4 776 66 842 92.2 7.8 18 168 84 360 45 78 8 15 7 657 108 765 85.9 14.1 19 228 20 345 30 46 50 20 7 623 123 746 83.5 16.5 20 60 80 36 57 320 6 38 5 233 369 602 38.7 61.3

Total 2571 1001 3572 71.9 28.0

Source: Field survey 2015


Questionnaire item 16, sought to determine whether teachers of economics are expected to organize educational excursion for their students and whether government motivates and support teachers financially when going for seminars. Agreed to this item had 282 scores representing 45.7% against 335 scores representing 54.3%

for disagreed.

Questionnaire item 17 determine the teachers must be well discipline for students of economics to be motivated. 776 scores representing 92.2% agreed while on the other hand disagreed had 66 scores representing 7.8%.

Questionnaire item 18 seeks to determine how economics student feel motivated when given take home exercises by their teacher and whether teachers dislike teaching because of societal perception. Agreed had 657 marks representing 85.9% against disagreed with 108 marks representing 14.1%.

Questionnaire item 19 seeks that most parents are not interested in the academic performance of their children.

Respondents scored 623 marks representing 83.5% for agreed as against 123 scored representing 16.5% for disagreed.

Questionnaire item 20 seeks that many students perform better in economics because of their parents encouragement. The finding of item 20 revealed scores of 233 marks


representing 38.7% for those who agreed and the other hand 369 marks representing 61.3% disagreed with the opinion.

On the whole, 2571 marks representing 71.9% agreed that teachers of economics are expected to organize educational excursion for their students against 1001 marks representing 28.0%

that disagreed with the opinion. This implies that majority of the respondents representing 71.9% agreed with the statement.

Research Question Five: States that teachers should adopt appropriate methodologies in teaching economics?

Questionnaire item 21-23, summary of the responses is as shown in table 4.11

Table 4.11 Summary of the Answer


Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch Std Tch T.A T.D T.R %A %D 21 76 72 54 66 258 10 49 2 268 319 587 45.7 54.3 22 64 80 75 51 280 16 34 7 270 337 607 44.5 55.5 23 140 12 124 12 200 62 9 9 288 280 568 58.7 49.3

Total 826 936 1762 46.9 53.1

Source: field survey 2015


Table 4.11 presents results of research Questionnaire item 21 states my performance in the school is attributed to my zeal for teaching.

The results revealed scores of 268 representing 45.7% for agreed while disagreed had 319 scores representing 54.3%

Questionnaire item 22 sought to find out that, in every economics lesson, teacher should give room for questions and answer.

Agreed had 270 points representing 44.5% as against disagreed with 337 points representing 55.5%.

Questionnaire item 23 sought to determine that students performance in economics is attributed to the extra moral classes organized to them by their parents. Answers revealed that agreed scored 288 point representing 50.7% as against disagreed with 280 points representing 49.3%. The overall scores of the questionnaire items revealed scores of 826 points representing 46.9% for those who agreed that teachers should adapt appropriate methodologies for teaching economics as against 936 point representing 53.1% that disagreed with the statement. From the above statement, majority of the respondents agreed that teachers should adapt appropriate methodologies for teaching economics.





This chapter presents the summary of major findings, conclusion, recommendation, possible solutions and suggestion for further studies on the role of motivation on the academic performance of students in economics.