• No results found

This research suggests practical solutions o improve the motivation of struggling specifically, the research presents strategies such as using peers as role models, teaching specific learning strategies, presenting the students with options and more. These tactics can strengthen struggling students' beliefs in their academic abilities and increase their willingness to engage in academic tasks.



That further research should be carried out on the following topic.

1. The influence of motivation in empowering students of economics and other disciplines, such as commerce, business education etc.

2. Challenges of motivation and the need for its survival in the midst of growing economy

3. How can teachers develop student's motivation and success?

4. The effect of learning and motivation strategies training on secondary school students' achievement.

5. What teachers say and do to support students' motivation during learning activity.



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Appendix I





Dear Sir/Ma,

A Survey of the Role of Motivation on the Academic Performance of Students in Economics

We, the researchers, are undergraduate students of the above institution, undergoing a research investigation on the above underlined topic in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of B.Sc. Ed.

The questionnaire attached is designed to collect data for the study. It will be highly appreciated if you complete the questionnaire and return faithfully.

Please be assured that your response will be treated confidentially and used for the purpose of this study.



Appendix II Section A

Instruction: Please tick (√) in the column provided to show the option you choose in the response given against each option with likert scales: SA = Strongly agree, A = Agree, D = Disagree, SD = strongly disagree.

Teachers Personal Data

1. Gender: (a) Male (b) Female

2. Age: (a) 20 – 30 (b) 31 – 40 (c) 41 – 50 (d) 51 and above

3. Marital status: (a) Married (b) Single (c) Separated (d) Divorced (e) Widow

4. Qualification: (a) HND (b) B.Ed. (c) M.Ed.

5. Years of Experience (a) 1 – 5 (b) 6 – 10 (c) 11 – 15 (d)16 – 20 (e) 21 and above.

(Teachers’ Questionnaire)


1. Motivation facilitate teaching in the classroom 2. Motivation enhances teachers curiosity

3. A motivated teacher is more serious in the class

4. Teachers that are motivated have the tendency of teaching better

5. Motivation arouse teacher’s interest and promote academic performance

83 6. Motivated teacher teach students better in the class

7. Motivated teacher contribute better in the school environment 8. A motivated teacher is more serious in his teaching

9. If teachers were motivated, they carry out their extra-curriculum activities efficiently

10. Performance of unmotivated teacher is always bad

11. The government motivate teachers by paying their salaries on time 12. Staff promotion is effective instrument for motivation

13. A positive reward is given to a teacher who put extra effort

14. The government adopt different motivational strategies such as teachers promotion to boast their moral

15. Government allow us to go for seminar and conferences

16. Government motivates and support us financially if we are going for seminars

17. We are lacking needed facilities and instruments for teaching and learning 18. I dislike teaching because of societal perception

19. School provides me with available relevant materials for my teaching 20. Teachers who pass through teaching line have the full concept of teaching 21. My performance in the school is attributed to my zeal for teaching

22. I always try to do my best as a teacher because students may wish to emulate me.

23. Many teachers perform better because the state government is encouraging them


Appendix III Section A

Instruction: Please tick (√) in the column provided to show the option you choose in the response given against each option with likert scales: SA = Strongly agree, A = Agree, D = Disagree, SD = strongly disagree.

Students Personal Data

1. Gender: (a) Male (b) Female

2. Age: (a) 15 – 20 (b) 21 – 25 (c) 26 – 30 (d) 31 and above 3. Marital status (a) Married (b) Single (c) Separated

4. Class: (a) SS III (b) SS II (c) SS I

Section B



1. Motivation facilitate teaching and learning in economics

2. Motivation enhances academic performance of student in economics 3. Motivation arose students’ curiosity in learning Economics.

4. Students that are motivated are likely to perform more better in economics

5. Organizing teaching in conducive environment arouses students’

interest in Economics.

6. Performance of unmotivated students of Economics is always bad.

7. Parental motivation of students in economics makes them feel superior to others

8. Teachers motivate their students in economics with the aids of