• No results found

J. Publicity, Propagation and Use of Media

4.2 Presentation and Data Analysis

A total number of 20 people were interviewed. They include, seven staff of Jaiz Islamic banking department, eight customers of the bank that had at one time or other enjoyed the service of the Non-interest banking window of Jaiz different Islamic scholars were also interviewed.

Simple percentage method has been adopted for the presentation and analysis of the interviews.

These are presented as follows;


Table 4.1: Former Bank before Habeeb Bank

Responses Number of respondents Percentages

Jaiz bank 9 75

Others 3 25

Total 12 100

Source: Field Survey 2014

The table above represented the number of staff of Jaiz bank who was consulted by the research for interviews. From the table we can see that, out of the 12 staff consulted, 9 started their banking career with Jaiz Bank

Table 4.2: Working under Non-interest Banking Department Responses Number of response Percentage

I worked there 7 58

I did not work there 5 42

Total 12 100

Source: Field Survey, 2014.

The table above shows the responses of staff of Jaiz Bank when ask whether they worked under the department of non interest Islamic banking of Jaiz 58% of those asked worked under department and 42% of them worked in different department most of them worked there between 1-2 years.


Table 4.3: How would you describe the Level of Customers' Patronage to the Department?

Responses Number of respondents Percentages

Very low - -

Low - -

Moderate 5 1

High 2 29

Very high - -

Total 7 100

Source: Field Survey, 2014

Table 4.3 above presented the responses of 7 staff of the department of non-interest banking of Jaiz bank when asked to describe the level of customers' patronage. It can be seen that 71 % of them said the patronage was moderate, while 2 of the interviewees that constitute 29% said the patronage level was high.

This has indicated that there is little patronage from the people which might not be connected to low publication and awareness by the bank due to management's fear of being supporting Islamic Religion especially now Muslims are being seen as wrist in Nigeria.

This is also in conformity of most existing literature reviewed on relevant project at the past.


Table4.4: Level of Preference of packages by customers

Responses Number of


Percentage Trustee project financing -

joint venture project lancing - -

Trade financing -

-Total venture -

-Hire - -

Lease purchase - -

Others - -

Can not say 7 100%

Total 7 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2014.

There were different answers, but all of them said they cannot say exactly but unanimously agreed that patronage was slowly gathering momentum.

Table 4.5: Account opened by customers

Responses Number of respondents Percentages

Non-interest current account 7 100

Non-interest saving account - -

General purpose investment account - -

Special purpose investment - -

All of the above

Total 7 100

Source: Field Survey, 2014


The above table showed the responses of the staff interviewed as regards the choice of account by the customers Seven respondents all said that the customers opened more of non interest current account depending of course on the customer choice;

This will be attributed to the product as majority of the accounts are salary account customers who are looking for banking alternative to conventional banking another reason which may be attributed to the result is that most of the asset products are yet.

To be operational as the bank requires more capital on the department before given out loans as the bank cannot use conventional capital to fund the Non interest Islamic banking products which was registered as end to end Islamic banking.

6. what in your opinion do you think are the problems of non-interest banking/Islamic banking? And what prospects do you foresee for Islamic bank?

The responses of the people interviewed were not much different with that of the customers interviewed; and thus, are very much inconformity with the ones presented in existing literatures. The answer would be presented and discussed after we see the responses given by the customers and the Islamic scholars; as can be seen below;


Eight customer of Jaiz Bank who enjoyed the service of non-interest banking department of the Bank were interviewed by the researchers.

The questions and answers are summarized below:

4.6: Transaction with non -interest banking Department of any bank before

Responses Number of respondents Percentages

I had 4 33

I had not 8 67

Total 12 100

Source: Field Survey, 2014

The above table indicated the responses of the customer of other Banks, when asked they have ever conducted any transaction with non interest banking department of the bank. It can be seen that out of the 12 customers asked. 33% of them had at one time or the other conducted transaction with the department, while Poof those asked did not.

8. what kind of relationship did you had with the department?


Table 4.7: Customer Relationship with the department

Responses Number of respondents Percentages

Depositor 6 75

Debtor 2 25

Total 8 100

Source: Field Survey, 2014

The table above shows the responses of 8 customers that had relationships with department of non-interest banking of Jaiz Bank, 75% of the respondents failed their monies with the bank at their current account provided by the department. But 2 of the interviewees said they collected.

Loan from the department of the bank base on agreed proportion

4.8: Knowledge of Non-Interest Banking Operations

Responses Numbers of responses Percentages

Through media 5 62.5

Through friend 1 12.5

Through seminar 1 12.5

Through other sources 1 12.5

Total 8 100

Source: field Survey, 2014


Table 4.8 above indicated the sources through which the 8 customers interviewed knew about the Islamic banking operations, 5 of them know about it through media i.e. print and electronic medium, this constitute 62.5% of the respondents while 1 person each representing 12.5% about the system through different sources other than medias indicated above.

And when asked what do you think in your opinions are the problems of non-interest banking/Islamic, banking systems and what prospects do you foresee for them?

Their responses ranged from problems of publicity and use of media, problem of borrowers of pure loan, problems of tool to attract depositors etc.