Section 1: Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents
TABLE 4.1: Socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondents
Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 151 81.6
Female 34 18.4
Total 185 100.0
Age Frequency Percentage
26-35 152 82.2
36-45 33 17.8
Total 185 100.0
Marital status Frequency Percentage
Married 155 83.8
Divourced 30 16.2
Total 185 100.0
Religion Frequency Percentage
Islam 156 84.3
Christianity 29 15.7
Total 185 100.0
Educational Level Frequency Percentage
Primary 59 31.9
Secondary 34 18.4
Tertiary 63 34.1
Qur'anic school 29 15.7
Total 185 100.0
Occupation Frequency Percentage
Farming 59 31.9
civil servant 62 33.5
business/ trading 64 34.6
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.1 depicts data on socio-economic characteristics of respondents. The table shows that 81.6% are males while 18.4% are females. This shows that the male are more than the female in that local government area. This is because of the culture of the community that does not actually permit a close rapport as well as women.
The table above shows that 82.2% of the respondents are within the ages of 26 – 35, 17.89% are within 33 – 45 years. This implies that the highest age range with in the LGA is 26-35 years. Also, this shows the level of maturity of the people responding.
The table above shows that 83.8% of the respondents are married, while 16.2% are divorced. This implies that due to the responsible nature of a married person, which is needed if the roles that are involved within the LGA are to be played effectively.
This is why they need to employ more married persons.
The table above shows that, 84.3% of the respondents are Muslims while 15.7% are Christians. This implies that the local government is dominated by persons Muslims and this is not surprising because Kebbi State is a Muslim dominated State
On educational status the above table shows that 31.9% of the respondents completed primary schools, 18.4% completed secondary education, and 34.1% of the respondent completed tertiary education and 15.7% have qur’anic school as their level of education. The result shows that those who finished from tertiary
institutions are many in the community which would give the local government more capable hands that can bring to bear intellectual capacity in order to develop the community.
In terms of occupation the table above shows that about 31.9% of the respondents are famers, 33.5% of the respondents is civil servants, while only 34.6% engage in business/trading. This implies that they have large percentage of the community in trading and business which has enabled the standard of living within the LGA improve
Section B: The Role of Local Government Council In the Community Development
TABLE 4.2: Respondents view based on the local government effort in community development
Question Response Frequency Age
Are you aware of the local government effort in community development
within the area Yes 185 100.0
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.2 above shows that 100.0% of the respondents answered that they are aware of the effort of the local government in community development within their area.
This implies that the developmental efforts of the LGA such as boiling projects are obvious to the community members.
TABLE 4.3: Respondents views based on how the projects were executed Question responses Fequency percentage
If yes, how has the project been executed
Totally carried out by LG in collaboration with the people
I don’t know
89 34 62
48.1 18.4 33.5
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.3 above shows that only 48.1% said yes that most projects are totally carried out by the LG, 18.4% said that it is carried out in collaboration with the people of the community., while 33.5% said the don’t know how it works. This therefore implies that most of the projects in the LGA are carried out by the LG itself. In that the bulk of the financial implication of any project is carried by the LGA as well as the planning and implementation phase
Table 4.4: Distribution of respondents based on who is responsible for projects execution
Monthly Income Frequency percentage
Local government 156 84.3 Community
29 15.7
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.4 shows that only 84.3% of them said that the LG while 15.7% said the community members. This implies that it is the local government authority that is responsible for the project execution, they are the ones to relate with those in the community and find out their problems, also they are the ones to look to for the persons who would implement the project.
Section C.: The role of local government in community development
TABLE 4.5: Respondents views based on whether local government brings development in the area
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 151 81.6
No 34 18.4
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.5 above shows that 81.6% of the respondents replied ‘Yes’ that the LG brought development to the area while 18.4% answered ‘No’. This implies that the LG are a source of development to any community. they do this through the various developmental projects they engage in such as portable water project
TABLE 4.6 Distribution of respondents based on types of development brought by the LGA
Types of development Frequency Percent
Political 94 50.8
Social 91 49.2
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.6 above shows that 50.8% said that, they have brought political development while 49.2% said that they have brought social development. This implies that although the gap between the types of the development are close one may be tempted to say that they have brought both political and social development, but however, the fact still remains that they have brought political development.
They have orientate the people on true leadership and why their votes are needed and the implication.
TABLE 4.7: Distribution of respondents based on collaborative effort between community members and local government
Question Response Frequency percentage Is there any collaborative effort
between community members and local government
126 68.1
Yes No
59 31.9
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.7 above shows that 68.1% said that yes there is collaborative effort between the community and the LGA while 31.9% said no there is no collaborative effort.
This implies that there is collaborative effort between the LG and the people in the host community to certain extent.
TABLE 4.8: Distribution of respondents based on assistance offered by the LGA
Is there any assistance offered by the LGA
Response Frequency Percent
Yes 122 65.9
No 63 34.1
Total 185 100.0
The table 4.8 above shows that 65% of the respondents said yes they have receive assistance from the LG while 42.2% said no they have not received any form of
assistance from the LG. This implies that the LG have been of assistance to the community as against the general notion of the community. Some members of the LGA have received monitory assistance from the LGA.
TABLE 4.9: Respondents views based on problems faced by LGA
Response Frequency Percent
Financial problems 96 51.9
Lack of qualified personnel 59 31.9 Lack of utilization of projects 30 16.2
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.9 above shows that 51.9% of the respondents said that the LG is presently facing financial problems, 31.9% said they are faced with lack of qualified personnel problem while 16.2% are faced with lack of utilization of projects problem. This implies that first the people are money oriented and that the LG is in a financial problem. The normal monthly allocation that is meant for the LGA has been reduced by the Federal Government. This has reduced the rate of reckless spending within the LGA
TABLE 4.10: Respondents view based on whether rural communities maintain projects
Question Respondents Frequency Percent Do rural communities
maintain projects?
Yes 91 49.2
No 94 50.8
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.10 above shows that 49.3% of the respondents said that yes the rural community maintain the projects executed by the LG while 50.8% said that the community is not maintaining the projects at all. This implies that the problem of the LG from the perspective of the LGA office may not be financial but project management.
TABLE 4.11: Respondents views based on whether there are community development projects provided in the LGA
Responses Frequency Percentage
Yes 156 84.3
No 29 15.7
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.11 above shows that 84.3% of the respondents said yes it has provided for development in other areas apart from political and social to the various sectors
while 16.7% said no, it has not provided for development in any sector such as the construction of few blocks of classroom. This implies that community development project provided in the local government area.
TABLE 4.12: Respondents views based on types of development
Types of Development Projects Frequency Percentage
Road construction 63 34.1
Agricultural development 62 33.5
Health care development 60 32.4
Total 185 100.0
Table 4.12 above shows that 34.1% of the respondents said that the LGA has provided for development in road construction, 33.5% said that it has provided for development in agriculture while 32.4% said that it has provided for development in health care. Looking at the above, the impression is clear that there is almost equal development within the three areas of the LGA. This mean that the LGA has carried out its responsibility in this regard.