1. Further studies are needed to determine factors responsible for the poor treatment outcome in these patients for both DM and hypertension
2. Non-communicable diseases need to be given public health priority in Nigeria with enhanced health education and active routine screening of DM among all adults in Nigeria from 45 years of age particularly those with history of risk factors which include obesity, first degree relatives with DM, and previous impaired glucose homeostasis.
3. Every diabetic should have the blood pressure checked at all clinic visits and the BMI should be monitored, and maintained at optimal value.
4. Aggressive health promoting lifestyle modifications are recommended for all diabetics especially those who are prehypertensive, overweight or have a positive family history of hypertension or DM even in the face of good glycaemic control.
5. Establishment of diabetic clinic (unit) with register of all diabetic patients at Federal Medical Centre, Owerri and at other health facilities where such does not exist. This will easily give updates on basic statistics for DM, ensure closer interaction between the patients and care givers, enhance monitoring of
patients’ progress, and provide a framework for community based studies on DM.
6. Management of DM should be made comprehensive and team work should be the key. Family Physicians should take particular interest in DM and hypertension. Presently, much of the management and issues concerning these diseases are left for Internists, thus, it is easy to
understand why treatment modality often employed is only hospital based. Little comment is made about patients’ input and motivation, home care and family support which are invaluable in ensuring good control.
7. There is a need for provision of more facilities in our health establishments for early detection and early treatment of DM, hypertension and their associated complications.
8. Considering that the country grapples with limited facilities and financial resources, it is imperative that measures are taken at an early stage to prevent the development of hypertension in diabetics. Government and other agencies in the health sector should provide adequate and regular funding for epidemiological surveys on the burden of NCDs in the country, and in addition, ensure that the care of patients with NCDs such as DM and hypertension is fully covered by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).
9. Concerted efforts and plans should be made to ensure that drugs used in the treatment of DM and hypertension are more affordable and accessible to the population.
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