• No results found

Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made:

 The use of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles in social studies classroom at Junior Secondary School level should be encouraged.

 Social studies teachers should be assisted to acquire skills to develop computer-based self –learning instructional puzzles.

 Necessary facilities that can facilitate effective use of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles should be provided in all schools.

 Serving and pre-service social studies teachers should be exposed to the design, development and utilisation of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles in social studies classroom.

 Curriculum planner should incorporate the utilisation of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles into social studies curriculum at Junior Secondary School level.

 Seminars, workshops, symposia and conferences should be organised at by stake holder in the educational system to expose both serving and pre-service social studies teacher to the development and use of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles in social studies classroom

5.5 Suggestions for further study

This study was conducted in two local government areas based on selection of four schools. Therefore, further research activities should cover more local government areas and schools. The study was based on three themes subdivided into seven topics for a period of eight weeks based on social studies curriculum for JS 11 students. Therefore, more topics should be included in future studies.

Gender and cognitive style are the two dependent variables investigated in this study, other variables such as school location, verbal ability and computer literacy level of students could be included in future studies.

5.6 Contributions to knowledge

• This study has provided empirical evidence of social studies students‟ acceptance of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles as an instructional strategy in social studies classroom.



• It has also revealed the effectiveness of computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles in enhancing students‟ academic achievement and retention in social studies.

• It has also revealed gender and cognitive style neutrality of the computer-based self-learning instructional puzzles thereby showing the effectiveness of the strategy in enhancing students‟ achievement and retention in social studies.

• It has contributed to the integration of technology into the social studies classroom.

• The model developed for the design and development of the computer-based self-learning instructional puzzle could be used for development of computer-based instructional package in social studies.




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