• No results found

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

1. A project should be commissioned by the university authority in collaboration with the Federal Government, UNESCO and other interested organizations for the production of an


Ethnoscience Database that will cover all the geographical zones of Nigeria having the same cultural background, in view of the importance of such database as revealed in this work.

2. The government through its organs should also recommend this to UNESCO with a view to doing same in all other countries since the issue of cultural belief is not limited to Nigeria or Africa alone.

3. Ethnoscience Instructional Method should be adopted in teaching and learning of science concepts.

4. Educators, administrators and other stake holders in the education sectors should be trained on the importance and use of Ethnoscience based instructions and encouraged to start using it for classroom instruction.

5. There should be the incorporation of basic Ethnoscience materials into the national curriculum to effect the much desired improvement in learning outcomes in science.

6. Teachers should be empowered with the provision of modern teaching aids by their employers including laptop personal computers.

7. Learning environment and funding should be improved in public schools to attract children of middleclass and elites.


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