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Chapter A

Appendix: Estimates for the Weighted Squares

The material in this section is entirely standard and we give barely enough detail to make this exposition self-contained. For an introduction to the circle method, see [Vau81].

By Dirichlet’s Theorem, t/N ∈ I(a/q,(qQ)−1) for some 1 ≤ a ≤ q ≤ Q,(a, q) = 1.

Call the set of those t for which q ≤ R the major arcs and the set of those t for which R < q ≤ Q = N/K the minor arcs. It is a typical feature of the Hardy-Littlewood method that the exact values of the boundaries between the arcs need to be determined in the course of the proof. Throughout, R will be of the order of magnitude of K =el2 defined in the introduction to Chapter 1.

We define the generating function of the weighted squares by FS(θ) = X


√2x N1


Note that FS(t/N)/N coincides with our earlier definition of S(t) used throughoutb the proof.

We would like to stress that although the estimates presented here are classical, one could alternatively view them as a manifestation of the fact that it is possible to decompose any bounded function into a structured and a random-looking part. In the case of the set of squares we can be very explicit about the structure we obtain.

We start off by considering simple weighted exponential sum estimates for the squares.

Lemma A.1. Let θ belong to the interval I(a/q, η). Then we have the bound



√q |FS(η)|+p

qlogq(1 +|η|N).

Proof. Consider the truncated version FS(θ, m) = P


N1 of FS, as well as the Gauss sum B(a/q, m) =P

x≤me(x2a/q). Ifm ≤q, we haveB(a/q, m)

√qlogq. Using Abel’s Inequality, which says that ifg is a monotone function, then


x≤mg(x)f(x)|is bounded above by supx≤m|g(x)|supj≤m|P

x≤jf(x)|, we conclude that FS(a/q, m) mp

qlogq/N. It follows that FS(a/q) √

qlogq. In the case wherem > q, we findFS(a/q, m) = B(a/q, q)m2/(q√

N) +O(mp

qlogq/N) by split-ting into segments of length q, and so FS(a/q) = B(a/q, q)√

N /q + O(√


Now let θ = a/q+η with (a, q) = 1. By partial summation, we obtain FS(θ, m)− B(a/q, q)FS(η, m)/q=O(mp

qlogq/N(1+|η|m2)), whence the final estimateFS(θ) = B(a/q, q)FS(η)/q+O(√

qlogq(1 +|η|N)).

For small values ofη, we can give a fairly good estimate for FS(η). Note that without weighting the exponential sum, we would have a bound of σ−1|h|−1/2 here, which is not good enough for the purposes of this paper.

Lemma A.2. Let 101 < h=ηN ≤H =N1/8. Then we obtain the estimate

|FS(η)| σ−1


Proof. Let us split the range of summation for FS into intervals Rij ={x:x2 ∈[N(i+j/H)/h, N(i+ (j+ 1)/H)/h)}.

Now break up the sum

FS(h/N) =



i=1 H






On Rij, x2h/N is equal to an integer plus a small remainder of at most H−1, so the sum becomes



i=1 T



e(j/H)σ X


2x+ X



It is easily shown thatP

x∈Rij2x=N/(Hh) +O(σ−1), and hence the sum is bounded by O(hH+σ−1/H)

We next describe the behaviour of the weighted squares on what we called the major arcs.

Lemma A.3. For t ∈I(a/q,(qQ)−1) with q ≤R, we have the major arcs estimate

|FS(t/N)| σ−1



Proof. IfqK, thenh >1/10 and putting together the previous two lemmas yields

|FS(t/N)| = p


qlogqN/(qQ)). The first term clearly dominates and thus, if q≤R, we have FS(t/N)σ−1q−1/3.

We also need to investigate the behaviour on the minor arcs in more detail, which is done in the following lemma.

Lemma A.4. For t ∈ I(a/q,(qQ)−1) with R < q ≤ Q, we have the minor arcs estimate

|FS(t/N)| σ−1 pK/L.

Proof. If q ranges between R and N1/8, the result follows from the methods used above. For very large q, that is for q > N1/8, it follows from Weyl’s Inequality that

|FS(t/N)| √

NlogN(q−1/2 +p

Q/N), which is clearly bounded above by √ QL provided that q K.

Finally, we need the following variant of Hua’s Lemma, which is a classical ingredient in the solution of Waring’s problem by Hardy and Littlewood.

Lemma A.5.




|FS(t/N)|6 σ6.

We omit the proof but point out that the lemma corresponds to (a weighted version of) the well-known fact that the number of representations of an integernas the sum of six squares is asymptotic to n2.


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