Seven instruments were used in the study
i. Instructional Package Evaluation Questionnaire (IPEQ) ii. Students‟ Attitude to Social Studies Questionnaire (SASSQ) iii. Social Studies Achievement Test (SSAT)
iv. Cognitive Style Checklist ( CSC)
v. Instructional Package Perception Questionnaire (IPPQ)
vi. Instructional Guide on Computer-based Instructional Strategy (IGCIS) vii.Instructional Guide on Conventional Teaching Strategy (IGCTS)
3.4.1 Instructional Package Evaluation Questionnaire
Instructional Package Evaluation Questionnaire (IPEQ) was developed to assess the appropriateness of the package in terms of functionality and navigation, content and graphic coupled with usability assessment. The instrument was adapted from Oguntunde (2010) Multimedia Package Evaluation Checklist. The questionnaire is divided into four sections. Section
„A‟ contains 10 items based on the ease of working on the package in terms of moving from one
page to another, making use of the mouse. Section „B‟ is made of 10 items on the information presented in the package in relation to the content and pictures. Section „C‟ is also made up of 10 items which aimed at assessing the extent to which the package can be used by the targeted group while Section „D‟ focuses on the assessment of the package by social studies teachers familiar with it. The items in the questionnaire are scored using 4, 3, 2 and 1. The draft was given to two lecturers in educational technology to assess the appropriateness. The instrument was administered to 10 students who were not part of the participants in the study but have been exposed to the package, the students‟ response was subjected to Cronbach alpha analysis and a reliability coefficient of 0.82 was obtained.
3.4.2 Students’ Attitude to Social Studies Questionnaire (SASSQ)
The questionnaire addresses students‟ attitude to social studies. It is made up of 20 items placed alongside a four-point Likert Scale of Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD). The questionnaire was given to experienced social studies teachers and lecturers for face and content validity. It was further administered to 25 students who were not part of the study but shared the same characteristics with the participants. The response of the students was subjected to Cronbach alpha analysis and a reliability coefficient of 0.73 was obtained.
3.4.3 Social Studies Achievement Test (SSAT)
The instrument is made up of 50 multiple choice items based on three themes: science, technology and society as well as storage and national economy. The draft of the instrument was given to three experienced social studies teachers and lecturers for face and content validity.
Based on their suggestion, some items were removed while others were modified to ensure face and content validity. The instrument was administered to 25 students in a school not involved in the main study, the scores from the test were subjected to Kuder-Richardson formula (KR 21) and reliability coefficient of 0.89 was obtained.
57 Table 3.3: Table of Specification for SSAT
Topic Knowledge Comprehension Application Total Home
3 (1, 6, 13)
6 (2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 15)
5 (4, 8, 9, 10, 11)
Storage 3
(14, 16, 49)
4 (18, 21, 22, 50)
(17, 19, 20, 45, 48)
Savings 4
( 24, 25, 46, 47)
(26, 27, 28, 43, 44)
3 (23, 29, 30 )
Resources 4
(31, 34, 35, 38)
(33, 37, 40, 41, 42)
3 (32, 36, 39)
Total 14 20 16 50
3.4.4 Cognitive Style Checklist (CSC)
The instrument was used to categorise the participants into field independent, dependent and neutral. It consists 12 items based on the modified form of Wyss (2002) checklist with each having “a” and “b”. Participants are expected to choose options that best describe them. A participant that chooses up to eight option “a” is regarded as field independent while those with up to eight “b” are regarded as field dependent while those who do not fall within the stipulated conditions are field neutral.
3.4.5 Instructional Package Perception Questionnaire (IPPQ)
This instrument was used to assess the perception of students in the experimental group in terms of the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the package. The instrument is made up of two sections with eight items each on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the package by JS11 social studies students. The instrument is a modified version of Adedoja Adelore, Egbokhare and Oluleye (2013) Educational Radio and Mobile Device Acceptance Questionnaire based on Technology Acceptance Model. The instrument was administered to 20 students who were not part of the participants in the study but have been exposed to the package, their response was subjected to Cronbach alpha analysis and a reliability coefficient of 0.84 was obtained.
3.4.6 Instructional Guide on Computer-based Instructional Strategy (IGCIS)
This instrument was designed to guide the teachers in the experimental group on their expected role based on the design of the study as a self-learning package thereby limiting their role to that of moderator. The teachers‟ role was limited to making preparation for the use of the computer laboratory, allotting the learners to computer system and monitoring the students to ensure they work on the package.
The operational guideline was given to experienced social studies teachers and lecturers for face and content validity. Their observations and suggestions were taken into consideration to improve the quality of the instrument.
3.4.7 Instructional Guide on Conventional Teaching Strategy (IGCTS)
This instrument was designed to guide the teachers in the control group. The lesson note on each topic was prepared by the researcher with focus on the behavioural objectives, presentation of content with the use of relevant instructional materials prepared by the researcher based on the same information incorporated in the package for the experimental groups and evaluation. The guide was also given to experienced social studies teachers and lectures for face and content validity. Observations and suggestions made were incorporated to improve the quality of the instrument. The draft of the operational guidelines was given to experienced teachers and lecturers for necessary corrections and suggestions before the final copy was made.