• No results found


b- Providing physical support for informal communication. Encouraging managers to get out of their offices, walk around, and strike up conversation with employees in and outside their own department.

c- Emphasizing informality

6. Management should make sure that the corporate environment allows executingthe creative ideas generated by the employees.

7. Controlling the use of e-mail system specially in reducing the unrelated to job messages that consumed employee's time and efforts.

8. Promoting the use of face-to-face communication media in addressing complicated situations. This method allows employees exchange information, get immediate feedback, and use nonverbal messages, which add extra emphasis to complicated points.

9. Management has to exert more effort to enhance trust between managers andsubordinates in work relationships. Also, Management has to pay more attention to the elements of nonverbal messages, specially the shape, office arrangements, and time that affect the message's elements.

90 Future studies may need to consider:

- The effect of Internet-based communication technologies on participation and performance, since communication technology is evolving rapidly.

- The impact of communication technologies on competitiveness of FBN.

- The effect of information overload on decision-making and ways to manage it.

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Appendix: Questionaire Dear Colleagues

The attached questionnaire is a tool of collecting data reference in order toconduct a study about

"The Role of Business Communication on Decision making Process: Case Study – First bank of Nigeria ltd Sokoto.

(FBN)" to be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Post graduatediploma in Management.

In accordance with achieving the aimed goal of this study; this questionnaire isdesigned in two parts:

Part one: Include the personal information.


Part two: Include the three dimensions of the study, which are:

The first dimension: The effect of using MCTs on decision-making process at FBN.

The second dimension: The effect of communication methods on decision-making process at FBN.

The third dimension: The effect of employee's communication skills on decision-making process at FBN.

Therefore, achieving this objective requires your participation to answer all questions thoroughly, honestly and subjectively. You are kindly reminded that all submitted information will be treated as confidential and will be of major concern to us.

Thank you for your cooperation Researcher

Salihu Ahmad Tijani

Part one: Personal Information


Male Female AGE

Less than 25 years From 25 to less than 30 From 30 to less than 35 From 35 to less than 40 From 40 to less than 45 45 Years and more


Single Married Divorced Widow QUALIFICATION

Less than Secondary Secondary

Diploma Bachelor or Equivalent Higher Education (please specify):………


Less than 5yrs From 5 to Less than 10yrs

From 10 to less than 15yrs 15yrs and More

MANAGERIAL LEVEL Top management Middle level management Low level management

Number of training courses in the field of business communication: ______________________

Percentage of time allocated for communication: _________________

Part Two: Questionnaire dimension

The first dimension: the effect of using MCTs on decision-making process at FBN


Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements by putting the sign X in the appropriate location on a scale of4-0 (4 = agree strongly and 0 = disagree strongly).


Strongly Agree 4

Agree 3

Neutral 2

Disagree 1

StronglyDisagree 0

1. MCTs (E-mail, V.C., Internet, Intranet etc) enhance the efficiency of communication among employees

2. MCTs make attaining information easier.

3. MCTs assist in assigning clear responsibilities for the


4.MCTs at FBN assist in providing updated Data Base of

understanding works’ obstacles and their on line developing stages.

5.MCTs enhance positive relations among employees

6. Modern communication techniques assist in implementing decentralization in decision-making 7. FBN does not exaggerate in stressing the confidentiality of information exchanged which leads to employees being effectively benefited from modern communication techniques.

8. MCTs are effectively used to increase communication

opportunities between clients and distributors 9. FBN uses MCTs that motivate employees to participate which consequently lead to numerous alternatives to the problems encountered

10. Communication technologies are frequently updated at FBN to adapt with the rapid acceleration in technologies

11. MCTs are impersonal (no human feelings and senses)

12. MCTs help me organize the daily work job 13. MCTs assist in reducing mistakes committed at work.

14. E-mail is used for routine communications which do not need sending complicated information


15. E-mail is not improperly used in unnecessary communication.(not related to work job)

16. Electronic communications’ methods enable me to follow up my tasks remotely (away from the office).

17. Intranet and internet networks are efficiently and

effectively used for they include attainable essential


18. MCTs enhance FBN staff members’ abilities to adopt decisions on the team level.

The second dimension: The effect of communication methods on decision-making process at FBN Sokoto.


Strongly Agree 4

Agree 3

Neutral 2

Disagree 1

Strongly Disagree 0 1. Oral communication methods (personal


telephone calls, meetings, presentations etc.) encourage

employees to pose questions for vague issues that they may face.

2. Work meetings enhance creative thinking which assist in adopting proper decisions

3. Oral communication methods provide employees with simultaneous feedback which enhance the effectiveness of communication process

4. Written communication methods (reports, memos, letters, etc.) provide employees with the ability to analyze massages

5. Periodic reports are properly utilized to easily and quickly identify the problem encountered.

6. Written communication methods provide employees with the ability to send messages to the different concerned parties

7. More than one communication method can be used at once to achieve the related target (example: sending a written massage

and then follow it up with telephone call for clarifying the issue).

8. I prefer handling the complicated problems through oral communication

9. Brainstorming sessions can be utilized to explore many alternative for the problem encountered

10. Personal interviewees provide employees with the ability to exchange information, signals, sings, and emotions that assist in overcoming complicated obstacles.

11. I resort to written communication methods to address my direct supervisors at work.


12. Informal communication channels (social relations among individuals and or groups at the company) are properly used to deliver essential information

The third dimension: The effect of employee's communication skills on decision-making process at FBN



Strongly Agree 4

Agree 3

Neutral 2

Disagree 1

Strongly Disagree 0 1. I listen carefully during the communication process

2. I do not hesitate to repeat the points that I understood to confirm my understanding

3. During listening, my direct supervisor tends to reduce interruption and noise. (Example: close the door, stop receiving calls etc.,) through addressing listening operation

4. Direct supervisors do not stress on their opinions and always listen to others.

5. I do collect the substantial related information about the work problems before making decisions

6. Employees tend to select the most proper time for communication process

7. I tend to use precise statements that express my ideas.

8. I tend to used proper tones and voice pitch during the communication process.

9. I tend to comprehend letters without any personal bias.

10. I specify the precise objective before initiating the communication process.

11. I use the most suitable communication method to ensure the achievement of my predetermined objectives.

12. FBN employees enjoy the required competencies to prepare the required reports professionally

13. FBN employees have the required skills to deal with the English correspondences

14. Office designs at the company assist in enhancing the efforts of communication process.

15. Conflict among employees is properly used to increase the quality of decision-making at FBN

16. I take the nonverbal expressions and behaviors into consideration

17. I feel that decisions at FBN are taken on time 18. A detailed plan is sent to the employees who will participate in the meeting prior to holding the meeting