• No results found

Suggested Area of future research


Generally, the discussions above have shown that no single estimator is efficient for all populations and conditions and a rough idea of the magnitude of the correlation between the study and auxiliary variables and hence the size measures would provide insight into which estimator would be best for the target population.

Secondly, the idea of the ratio of coefficients of variations, skewness and kurtosis as related with the correlation coefficient would help in the specification of estimators.

Whereas the information of the target populations is not available to the survey statistician, this study have shown that among the estimators in the class defined by c=1,2,3 and 4 there is the one estimator that is best for estimating population total.

Thus, in this era of information technology, it would be easier to identify such estimator when the suggested estimators are run simultaneously.



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Table 46: Study Population I

S/No x y Ρ S/No x Y ρ

1 3 11 0.395 16 5 10 0.395

2 4 7 0.395 17 6 9 0.395

3 5 9 0.395 18 3 5 0.395

4 8 8 0.395 19 3 7 0.395

5 12 8 0.395 20 9 9 0.395

6 11 9 0.395 21 6 6 0.395

7 8 8 0.395 22 7 12 0.395

8 9 12 0.395 23 8 9 0.395

9 11 10 0.395 24 8 6 0.395

10 10 9 0.395 25 9 9 0.395

11 8 8 0.395 26 11 11 0.395

12 9 14 0.395 27 11 10 0.395

13 7 12 0.395 28 10 14 0.395

14 8 10 0.395 29 5 8 0.395

15 8 10 0.395 30 3 7 0.395

Table 47: Study Population II

S/No X y Ρ

1 41 36 0.162

2 43 47 0.162

3 54 41 0.162

4 39 47 0.162

5 49 47 0.162

6 45 45 0.162

7 41 32 0.162

8 33 37 0.162

9 37 40 0.162

10 41 41 0.162

11 47 37 0.162

12 39 48 0.162


Table 48:Study Population III

S/No X y Ρ

1 100 3 -0.32

2 88 8 -0.32

3 20 9 -0.32

4 17 11 -0.32

5 60 5 -0.32

6 77 9 -0.32

7 51 5 -0.32

8 69 4 -0.32

9 66 6 -0.32

10 77 9 -0.32

11 68 2 -0.32

12 36 4 -0.32

13 74 4 -0.32

14 33 5 -0.32

15 54 6 -0.32

16 55 6 -0.32

17 77 6 -0.32

Table 49: Population IV

S/No x y Ρ

1 6.8 20 -0.77

2 6.2 23 -0.77

3 5.5 38 -0.77

4 0.85 86 -0.77

5 0.71 92 -0.77

6 9 16 -0.77

7 1.4 81 -0.77

8 4.5 53 -0.77

9 3.8 42 -0.77

10 2.1 62 -0.77

11 4.85 39 -0.77

12 3.197 35 -0.77 13 0.443 87 -0.77 14 0.468 91 -0.77

15 0.59 84 -0.77

16 0.339 75 -0.77 17 0.161 54 -0.77 18 0.787 64 -0.77 19 0.069 26 -0.77 20 0.11 100 -0.77


MSE OF THE PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE ESTIMATORS FOR THE FOUR STUDY POPULATIONS Table50: Relative Efficiency based on Expected MSE (MSE) of alternative estimators as compared with HHE for population I

g Rho Estimator a β2 G a β2 G a β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 134.319 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.9153 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.281 a + 0.01167 β2 10.890 a + 0.01167 β2 0.94453 a + 0.01167 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.706 a + 0.01608 β2 11.1282 a + 0.01608 β2 0.9557 a + 0.01608 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.787 a + 0.01687 β2 11.1432 a + 0.01687 β2 0.95771 a + 0.01687 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.801 a + 0.017 β2 11.1457 a + 0.017 β2 0.95804 a + 0.017 β2

Table51: Relative Efficiency based on Expected MSE (MSE) of alternative estimators as compared with HHE for population II

g Rho Estimator a β2 G a β2 G A β2

0 0.395 𝜏 𝑐 1042.98 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96253 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 827.65 a + 0.03733 β2 28.5959 a + 0.03733 β2 1.09179 a + 0.03733 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 826.513 a + 0.06859 β2 25.5262 a + 0.06859 β2 1.20495 a + 0.06859 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 854.467 a + 0.08467 β2 31.5779 a + 0.08467 β2 1.26148 a + 0.08467 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 861.352 a + 0.09176 β2 32.0436 a + 0.09176 β2 1.286 a + 0.09176 β2


Table 52: Relative Efficiency based on Expected MSE (MSE) of alternative estimators as compared with HHE for population III

g Rho Estimator A β2 G a β2 G a β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 329.723 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.92725 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 260.038 a + 0.04894 β2 14.9824 a + 0.04894 β2 1.04657 a + 0.04894 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 254.2 a + 0.13684 β2 14.8622 a + 0.13684 β2 1.24678 a + 0.13684 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 257.917 a + 0.22283 β2 17.2335 a + 0.22283 β2 1.42167 a + 0.22283 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 261.977 a + 0.28608 β2 18.0611 a + 0.28608 β2 1.54175 a + 0.28608 β2

0 0.32 𝜏 𝑐 329.723 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.92725 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 254.197 a + 0.10403 β2 15.6325 a + 0.10403 β2 1.17519 a + 0.10403 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 259.189 a + 0.24371 β2 14.5097 a + 0.24371 β2 1.46198 a + 0.24371 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 264.557 a + 0.32309 β2 18.5333 a + 0.32309 β2 1.60951 a + 0.32309 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 266.811 a + 0.35449 β2 18.927 a + 0.35449 β2 1.66577 a + 0.35449 β2


Table 53: Relative Efficiency based on Expected MSE (MSE) of alternative estimators as compared with HHE for population IV

g Rho Estimator a β2 G a β2 G a. β2

0 0.91 𝜏 𝑐 2292.36 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.28083 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 711.025 a + 0.01273 β2 9.15609 a + 0.01273 β2 0.23119 a + 0.01273 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 430.8 a + 0.03008 β2 7.5652 a + 0.03008 β2 0.20608 a + 0.03008 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 322.159 a + 0.05026 β2 6.83628 a + 0.05026 β2 0.18485 a + 0.05026 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 266.236 a + 0.07415 β2 6.41053 a + 0.07415 β2 0.16365 a + 0.07415 β2

0 0.775 𝜏 𝑐 2292.36 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.28083 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 346.544 a + 0.04391 β2 7.00906 a + 0.04391 β2 0.19106 a + 0.04391 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 222.85 a + 0.11534 β2 6.0349 a + 0.11534 β2 0.13087 a + 0.11534 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 183.251 a + 0.22511 β2 5.59361 a + 0.22511 β2 0.0497 a + 0.22511 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 164.902 a + 0.38348 β2 5.23992 a + 0.38348 β2 0.06507 a + 0.38348 β2


Table 54: Estimates of MSE using conventional and alternative estimators in PPSWOR sampling scheme for population I.

g Rho Estimator A β2 g A β2 G a. β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 757.7251 a+ 0.000 β2 1 61.04531 a+ 0.000 β2 2 4.995357 a+ 0.000 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 720.7753 a+ 0.038 β2 59.61553 a+ 0.038 β2 5.010464 a+ 0.038 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 719.4419 a+ 0.051 β2 59.7652 a+ 0.051 β2 5.045536 a+ 0.051 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 719.346 a+ 0.054 β2 59.79987 a+ 0.054 β2 5.052158 a+ 0.054 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 719.3336 a+ 0.054 β2 59.80576 a+ 0.054 β2 5.053256 a+ 0.054 β2

Table 55: Estimates of MSE using conventional and alternative estimators in PPSWOR sampling scheme for population II.

g Rho Estimator A β2 g A β2 G a. β2

0 0.39 𝜏 𝑐 22609.09 a+ 0.000 β2 1 504.0447 a+ 0.000 β2 2 13.96817 a+ 0.000 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 13450.04 a+ 0.429 β2 398.2594 a+ 0.429 β2 13.74707 a+ 0.429 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 12709.7 a+ 0.721 β2 404.3067 a+ 0.721 β2 14.66844 a+ 0.721 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 12598.15 a+ 0.859 β2 410.831 a+ 0.859 β2 15.16344 a+ 0.859 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 12577.8 a+ 0.917 β2 414.0036 a+ 0.917 β2 15.37947 a+ 0.917 β2


Table 56: Estimates of MSE using conventional and alternative estimators in PPSWOR sampling scheme for population III.

g Rho Estimator A β2 g A β2 G a. β2

0 0.32 𝜏 𝑐 3672.619 a+ 0.00 β2 1 153.996 a+ 0.00 β2 2 7.43251 a+ 0.00 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 2299.603 a+ 0.39 β2 117.8413 a+ 0.39 β2 7.1915 a+ 0.39 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 2171.411 a+ 0.79 β2 119.7481 a+ 0.79 β2 8.017956 a+ 0.79 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 2152.597 a+ 1.00 β2 122.0586 a+ 1.00 β2 8.471023 a+ 1.00 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 2149.15 a+ 1.09 β2 123.0378 a+ 1.09 β2 8.645418 a+ 1.09 β2

Table 57: Estimates of MSE using conventional and alternative estimators in PPSWOR sampling scheme for population IV.

G Rho Estimator A β2 g A β2 G a. β2

0 0.77 𝜏 𝑐 250723 a+ 0.0 β2 1 1039.224 a+ 0.0 β2 2 8.235249 a+ 0.0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 20067.68 a+ 0.7 β2 165.6597 a+ 0.7 β2 4.465283 a+ 0.7 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 9544.162 a+ 1.1 β2 111.7766 a+ 1.1 β2 4.502901 a+ 1.1 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 6518.028 a+ 1.6 β2 96.10361 a+ 1.6 β2 4.980096 a+ 1.6 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 5191.764 a+ 2.2 β2 90.86967 a+ 2.2 β2 5.711622 a+ 2.2 β2



Table 58:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with HHE for the theoretical Normal Distribution for population I

g Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 132.3884 a + 0.018428 β2 11.19912 a + 0.018428 β2 0.962711 a + 0.018428 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8173 a + 0.017061 β2 11.14775 a + 0.017061 β2 0.958255 a + 0.017061 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8047 a + 0.017032 β2 11.14629 a + 0.017032 β2 0.958115 a + 0.017032 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8039 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14618 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958104 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 133.267 a + 0.020548 β2 11.27445 a + 0.020548 β2 0.969096 a + 0.020548 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8603 a + 0.017162 β2 11.15207 a + 0.017162 β2 0.958647 a + 0.017162 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8084 a + 0.01704 β2 11.14674 a + 0.01704 β2 0.95816 a + 0.01704 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8045 a + 0.017031 β2 11.14625 a + 0.017031 β2 0.958112 a + 0.017031 β2


0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 146.3695 a + 0.053071 β2 12.36458 a + 0.053071 β2 1.05984 a + 0.053071 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 135.2385 a + 0.025334 β2 11.44082 a + 0.025334 β2 0.983076 a + 0.025334 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 132.6938 a + 0.019164 β2 11.22548 a + 0.019164 β2 0.964953 a + 0.019164 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 132.0511 a + 0.017617 β2 11.16953 a + 0.017617 β2 0.960173 a + 0.017617 β2

0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 193.7988 a + 0.184093 β2 16.23106 a + 0.184093 β2 1.37615 a + 0.184093 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 178.0379 a + 0.138435 β2 14.95324 a + 0.138435 β2 1.272178 a + 0.138435 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 166.9784 a + 0.107597 β2 14.05313 a + 0.107597 β2 1.198654 a + 0.107597 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 158.9573 a + 0.085902 β2 13.39801 a + 0.085902 β2 1.144957 a + 0.085902 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 217.3183 a + 0.255567 β2 18.12977 a + 0.255567 β2 1.529953 a + 0.255567 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 217.3183 a + 0.255567 β2 18.12977 a + 0.255567 β2 1.529953 a + 0.255567 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 217.3183 a + 0.255567 β2 18.12977 a + 0.255567 β2 1.529953 a + 0.255567 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 217.3183 a + 0.255567 β2 18.12977 a + 0.255567 β2 1.529953 a + 0.255567 β2


Table59:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical chi square Distribution for population I

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 135.6999 a + 0.034894 β2 11.57401 a + 0.034894 β2 1.003628 a + 0.034894 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.9305 a + 0.01807 β2 11.16635 a + 0.01807 β2 0.960684 a + 0.01807 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8139 a + 0.017127 β2 11.14796 a + 0.017127 β2 0.958342 a + 0.017127 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8048 a + 0.01704 β2 11.14634 a + 0.01704 β2 0.958127 a + 0.01704 β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 141.1793 a + 0.054889 β2 12.10459 a + 0.054889 β2 1.055195 a + 0.054889 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 132.2603 a + 0.020108 β2 11.20976 a + 0.020108 β2 0.965799 a + 0.020108 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8506 a + 0.017452 β2 11.15414 a + 0.017452 β2 0.959148 a + 0.017452 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8107 a + 0.017096 β2 11.1474 a + 0.017096 β2 0.958267 a + 0.017096 β2


0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 242.7276 a + 0.410393 β2 21.32146 a + 0.410393 β2 1.903468 a + 0.410393 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 153.6932 a + 0.097924 β2 13.27229 a + 0.097924 β2 1.165272 a + 0.097924 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 137.6106 a + 0.042065 β2 11.76194 a + 0.042065 β2 1.022119 a + 0.042065 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 133.5498 a + 0.026226 β2 11.35419 a + 0.026226 β2 0.98136 a + 0.026226 β2

0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 2980.232 a + 13.59931 β2 261.2076 a + 13.59931 β2 23.21023 a + 13.59931 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 1038.571 a + 3.896042 β2 91.90541 a + 3.896042 β2 8.257873 a + 3.896042 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 591.4351 a + 1.841051 β2 52.38213 a + 1.841051 β2 4.712762 a + 1.841051 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 411.4918 a + 1.072098 β2 36.39137 a + 1.072098 β2 3.269943 a + 1.072098 β2

2 1 𝜏 𝑐 0.915304 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 25797900 a + 2064369 β2 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 25797900 a + 2064369 β2 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 25797900 a + 2064369 β2 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 2078113 a + 2064369 β2 25797900 a + 2064369 β2 2078113 a + 2064369 β2


Table60:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Uniform Distribution for population I

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2


Table61:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Gamma Distribution for population I

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8038 a + 0.01703 β2 11.14617 a + 0.01703 β2 0.958103 a + 0.01703 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 137.1507 a + 0.024525 β2 11.52525 a + 0.024525 β2 0.98454 a + 0.024525 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 131.808 a + 0.016693 β2 11.14059 a + 0.016693 β2 0.957157 a + 0.016693 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.7977 a + 0.016981 β2 11.14507 a + 0.016981 β2 0.957964 a + 0.016981 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.8032 a + 0.017025 β2 11.14605 a + 0.017025 β2 0.958089 a + 0.017025 β2

0 0.162 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 145.307 a + 0.038028 β2 12.15674 a + 0.038028 β2 1.033699 a + 0.038028 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 132.1061 a + 0.016787 β2 11.15541 a + 0.016787 β2 0.957588 a + 0.016787 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 131.7878 a + 0.016847 β2 11.14234 a + 0.016847 β2 0.957581 a + 0.016847 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 131.7994 a + 0.016996 β2 11.1454 a + 0.016996 β2 0.958006 a + 0.016996 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 274.4888 a + 0.279584 β2 22.45316 a + 0.279584 β2 1.8628 a + 0.279584 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 162.8866 a + 0.067723 β2 13.54195 a + 0.067723 β2 1.143754 a + 0.067723 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 140.0335 a + 0.029269 β2 11.7467 a + 0.029269 β2 1.001621 a + 0.029269 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 133.8967 a + 0.019296 β2 11.28071 a + 0.019296 β2 0.966165 a + 0.019296 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 2642.948 a + 8.162984 β2 214.5193 a + 8.162984 β2 17.59732 a + 8.162984 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 1094.886 a + 2.556025 β2 88.56306 a + 2.556025 β2 7.247816 a + 2.556025 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 658.2176 a + 1.233234 β2 53.28872 a + 1.233234 β2 4.368034 a + 1.233234 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 466.8206 a + 0.723698 β2 37.88626 a + 0.723698 β2 3.114942 a + 0.723698 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 134.3193 a + 0 β2 1 11 a + 0 β2 2 0.915304 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 45003.38 a + 216.4849 β2 3642.2 a + 216.4849 β2 297.0335 a + 216.4849 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 45003.38 a + 216.4849 β2 3642.2 a + 216.4849 β2 297.0335 a + 216.4849 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 45003.38 a + 216.4849 β2 3642.2 a + 216.4849 β2 297.0335 a + 216.4849 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 45003.38 a + 216.4849 β2 3642.2 a + 216.4849 β2 297.0335 a + 216.4849 β2


Table62:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Normal Distribution for population II

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 865.8536 a + 0.108431 β2 32.74248 a + 0.108431 β2 1.343367 a + 0.108431 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 865.8536 a + 0.108431 β2 32.74248 a + 0.108431 β2 1.343367 a + 0.108431 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 865.8536 a + 0.108431 β2 32.74248 a + 0.108431 β2 1.343367 a + 0.108431 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 865.8536 a + 0.108431 β2 32.74248 a + 0.108431 β2 1.343367 a + 0.108431 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 845.8217 a + 0.087788 β2 31.35343 a + 0.087788 β2 1.269936 a + 0.087788 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 863.5582 a + 0.106219 β2 32.59258 a + 0.106219 β2 1.33555 a + 0.106219 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 865.621 a + 0.108208 β2 32.72737 a + 0.108208 β2 1.342581 a + 0.108208 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 865.8303 a + 0.108408 β2 32.74097 a + 0.108408 β2 1.343289 a + 0.108408 β2

0 0.395 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 824.0128 a + 0.042208 β2 28.52622 a + 0.042208 β2 1.105386 a + 0.042208 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 837.3864 a + 0.07753 β2 30.67661 a + 0.07753 β2 1.233096 a + 0.07753 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 852.7463 a + 0.095335 β2 31.85808 a + 0.095335 β2 1.296896 a + 0.095335 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 860.3805 a + 0.103107 β2 32.38195 a + 0.103107 β2 1.324527 a + 0.103107 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 830.7452 a + 0.030244 β2 27.94087 a + 0.030244 β2 1.062463 a + 0.030244 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 827.6869 a + 0.06214 β2 29.69287 a + 0.06214 β2 1.17751 a + 0.06214 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 841.8129 a + 0.083104 β2 31.04279 a + 0.083104 β2 1.253137 a + 0.083104 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 852.5789 a + 0.095158 β2 31.84625 a + 0.095158 β2 1.296269 a + 0.095158 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 967.1424 a + 0.001732 β2 28.07782 a + 0.001732 β2 0.966477 a + 0.001732 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 914.6792 a + 0.005591 β2 27.63903 a + 0.005591 β2 0.978196 a + 0.005591 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 880.8265 a + 0.010472 β2 27.48049 a + 0.010472 β2 0.993993 a + 0.010472 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 858.5772 a + 0.015843 β2 27.49419 a + 0.015843 β2 1.01207 a + 0.015843 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 1051.816 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 1051.816 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 1051.816 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 1051.816 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.96206 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 1051.816 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.96206 a + 0 β2


Table63:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical chi square Distribution for population II

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 829.6751 a + 0.908103 β2 63.92168 a + 0.908103 β2 5.783388 a + 0.908103 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 829.6751 a + 0.908103 β2 63.92168 a + 0.908103 β2 5.783388 a + 0.908103 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 829.6751 a + 0.908103 β2 63.92168 a + 0.908103 β2 5.783388 a + 0.908103 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 829.6751 a + 0.908103 β2 63.92168 a + 0.908103 β2 5.783388 a + 0.908103 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 664.2674 a + 0.526584 β2 47.1417 a + 0.526584 β2 4.117038 a + 0.526584 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 808.5584 a + 0.856564 β2 61.79399 a + 0.856564 β2 5.570925 a + 0.856564 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 827.5057 a + 0.902771 β2 63.70318 a + 0.902771 β2 5.761554 a + 0.902771 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 829.4576 a + 0.907568 β2 63.89977 a + 0.907568 β2 5.781199 a + 0.907568 β2

0 0.395 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 481.2405 a + 0.141577 β2 25.77527 a + 0.141577 β2 2.022115 a + 0.141577 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 603.9834 a + 0.400059 β2 40.85706 a + 0.400059 β2 3.498724 a + 0.400059 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 717.119 a + 0.642909 β2 52.54465 a + 0.642909 β2 4.651189 a + 0.642909 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 780.3777 a + 0.789056 β2 58.95113 a + 0.789056 β2 5.287552 a + 0.789056 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 473.1934 a + 0.092116 β2 22.29896 a + 0.092116 β2 1.675077 a + 0.092116 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 534.9548 a + 0.260827 β2 33.237 a + 0.260827 β2 2.752832 a + 0.260827 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 635.1936 a + 0.464789 β2 44.13358 a + 0.464789 β2 3.820684 a + 0.464789 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 715.7946 a + 0.63993 β2 52.40998 a + 0.63993 β2 4.637846 a + 0.63993 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 1100.386 a + 0.009496 β2 17.73342 a + 0.009496 β2 0.991647 a + 0.009496 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 704.5309 a + 0.020492 β2 17.47576 a + 0.020492 β2 1.088707 a + 0.020492 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 574.6131 a + 0.032946 β2 18.0484 a + 0.032946 β2 1.199124 a + 0.032946 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 516.352 a + 0.047071 β2 18.98861 a + 0.047071 β2 1.320375 a + 0.047071 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 36308.52 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 36308.52 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 36308.52 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 36308.52 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.921861 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 36308.52 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.921861 a + 0 β2


Table64:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Gamma Distribution for population II

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 845.3701 a + 0.646209 β2 50.66768 a + 0.646209 β2 3.654303 a + 0.646209 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 845.3701 a + 0.646209 β2 50.66768 a + 0.646209 β2 3.654303 a + 0.646209 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 845.3701 a + 0.646209 β2 50.66768 a + 0.646209 β2 3.654303 a + 0.646209 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 845.3701 a + 0.646209 β2 50.66768 a + 0.646209 β2 3.654303 a + 0.646209 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 738.2882 a + 0.430939 β2 41.03276 a + 0.430939 β2 2.864421 a + 0.430939 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 832.1993 a + 0.619401 β2 49.51382 a + 0.619401 β2 3.559611 a + 0.619401 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 844.024 a + 0.643463 β2 50.55002 a + 0.643463 β2 3.644645 a + 0.643463 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 845.2352 a + 0.645933 β2 50.65589 a + 0.645933 β2 3.653336 a + 0.645933 β2

0 0.395 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 624.5125 a + 0.148824 β2 26.6606 a + 0.148824 β2 1.670031 a + 0.148824 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 697.506 a + 0.34845 β2 37.07197 a + 0.34845 β2 2.539546 a + 0.34845 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 773.4345 a + 0.501154 β2 44.27541 a + 0.501154 β2 3.130129 a + 0.501154 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 814.3856 a + 0.583344 β2 47.94323 a + 0.583344 β2 3.43078 a + 0.583344 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 636.0752 a + 0.102242 β2 24.1271 a + 0.102242 β2 1.441977 a + 0.102242 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 651.5555 a + 0.247725 β2 31.9719 a + 0.247725 β2 2.118866 a + 0.247725 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 718.6735 a + 0.391549 β2 39.16339 a + 0.391549 β2 2.711176 a + 0.391549 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 772.5635 a + 0.499413 β2 44.19631 a + 0.499413 β2 3.123647 a + 0.499413 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 1356.109 a + 0.009721 β2 22.63467 a + 0.009721 β2 0.973363 a + 0.009721 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 964.2044 a + 0.023587 β2 21.43753 a + 0.023587 β2 1.037457 a + 0.023587 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 801.4107 a + 0.038699 β2 21.40077 a + 0.038699 β2 1.114033 a + 0.038699 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 718.0063 a + 0.054962 β2 21.86685 a + 0.054962 β2 1.198751 a + 0.054962 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 3166.908 a + 0 β2 1 29 a + 0 β2 2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 3166.908 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 3166.908 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 3166.908 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.9393 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 3166.908 a + 0 β2 29 a + 0 β2 0.9393 a + 0 β2


Table65:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Normal Distribution for population III

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 270.3297 a + 0.080318 β2 17.38381 a + 0.080318 β2 1.193971 a + 0.080318 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 270.3297 a + 0.080318 β2 17.38381 a + 0.080318 β2 1.193971 a + 0.080318 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 270.3297 a + 0.080318 β2 17.38381 a + 0.080318 β2 1.193971 a + 0.080318 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 270.3297 a + 0.080318 β2 17.38381 a + 0.080318 β2 1.193971 a + 0.080318 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 266.0149 a + 0.065452 β2 16.84624 a + 0.065452 β2 1.144693 a + 0.065452 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 269.8331 a + 0.078741 β2 17.326 a + 0.078741 β2 1.188758 a + 0.078741 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 270.2794 a + 0.080159 β2 17.37799 a + 0.080159 β2 1.193447 a + 0.080159 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 270.3247 a + 0.080302 β2 17.38323 a + 0.080302 β2 1.193918 a + 0.080302 β2

0 0.5 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 263.614 a + 0.022441 β2 15.52963 a + 0.022441 β2 1.002413 a + 0.022441 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 262.2456 a + 0.046533 β2 16.20042 a + 0.046533 β2 1.081737 a + 0.046533 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 265.1611 a + 0.062033 β2 16.72554 a + 0.062033 β2 1.133323 a + 0.062033 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 267.4639 a + 0.070797 β2 17.03741 a + 0.070797 β2 1.162444 a + 0.070797 β2

0 0.51 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 263.8905 a + 0.021649 β2 15.51342 a + 0.021649 β2 0.999858 a + 0.021649 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 262.1098 a + 0.04539 β2 16.16357 a + 0.04539 β2 1.077935 a + 0.04539 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 264.9177 a + 0.061009 β2 16.68967 a + 0.061009 β2 1.129916 a + 0.061009 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 267.2529 a + 0.070047 β2 17.01041 a + 0.070047 β2 1.159955 a + 0.070047 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 293.5411 a + 0.00118 β2 15.64636 a + 0.00118 β2 0.937744 a + 0.00118 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 282.6542 a + 0.00393 β2 15.46246 a + 0.00393 β2 0.945173 a + 0.00393 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 275.2801 a + 0.007513 β2 15.38519 a + 0.007513 β2 0.955621 a + 0.007513 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 270.2481 a + 0.011528 β2 15.37709 a + 0.011528 β2 0.967828 a + 0.011528 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 309.9455 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 309.9455 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 309.9455 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 309.9455 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.935397 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 309.9455 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.935397 a + 0 β2


Table66:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical chi square Distribution for population III

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 263.1843 a + 0.152949 β2 23.35668 a + 0.152949 β2 2.21809 a + 0.152949 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 263.1843 a + 0.152949 β2 23.35668 a + 0.152949 β2 2.21809 a + 0.152949 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 263.1843 a + 0.152949 β2 23.35668 a + 0.152949 β2 2.21809 a + 0.152949 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 263.1843 a + 0.152949 β2 23.35668 a + 0.152949 β2 2.21809 a + 0.152949 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 239.4568 a + 0.116728 β2 20.7772 a + 0.116728 β2 1.953667 a + 0.116728 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 260.5395 a + 0.148842 β2 23.07283 a + 0.148842 β2 2.189023 a + 0.148842 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 262.9169 a + 0.152533 β2 23.32801 a + 0.152533 β2 2.215155 a + 0.152533 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 263.1575 a + 0.152907 β2 23.35381 a + 0.152907 β2 2.217796 a + 0.152907 β2

0 0.32 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 204.6528 a + 0.064235 β2 16.66747 a + 0.064235 β2 1.528718 a + 0.064235 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 238.9565 a + 0.115977 β2 20.72179 a + 0.115977 β2 1.947977 a + 0.115977 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 254.7554 a + 0.139925 β2 22.44937 a + 0.139925 β2 2.12516 a + 0.139925 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 260.4126 a + 0.148645 β2 23.0592 a + 0.148645 β2 2.187627 a + 0.148645 β2

0 0.51 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 190.5905 a + 0.0366 β2 14.30043 a + 0.0366 β2 1.27604 a + 0.0366 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 212.0788 a + 0.075779 β2 17.6153 a + 0.075779 β2 1.627522 a + 0.075779 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 232.9032 a + 0.106926 β2 20.04655 a + 0.106926 β2 1.878588 a + 0.106926 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 246.5 a + 0.127344 β2 21.55191 a + 0.127344 β2 2.033165 a + 0.127344 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 279.6471 a + 0.004675 β2 12.08126 a + 0.004675 β2 0.954416 a + 0.004675 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 218.6081 a + 0.010113 β2 12.19525 a + 0.010113 β2 1.009845 a + 0.010113 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 199.2812 a + 0.015843 β2 12.5611 a + 0.015843 β2 1.068948 a + 0.015843 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 191.8762 a + 0.02179 β2 13.02836 a + 0.02179 β2 1.129732 a + 0.02179 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 403234.6 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 403234.6 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 403234.6 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 403234.6 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.910672 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 403234.6 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.910672 a + 0 β2


Table67:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Gamma Distribution for population III

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 267.1293 a + 0.225082 β2 19.99049 a + 0.225082 β2 1.707981 a + 0.225082 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 267.1293 a + 0.225082 β2 19.99049 a + 0.225082 β2 1.707981 a + 0.225082 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 267.1293 a + 0.225082 β2 19.99049 a + 0.225082 β2 1.707981 a + 0.225082 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 267.1293 a + 0.225082 β2 19.99049 a + 0.225082 β2 1.707981 a + 0.225082 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 254.8876 a + 0.174802 β2 18.37435 a + 0.174802 β2 1.538015 a + 0.174802 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 265.6993 a + 0.21948 β2 19.81166 a + 0.21948 β2 1.689342 a + 0.21948 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 266.9841 a + 0.224515 β2 19.97242 a + 0.224515 β2 1.7061 a + 0.224515 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 267.1148 a + 0.225025 β2 19.98869 a + 0.225025 β2 1.707793 a + 0.225025 β2

0 0.32 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 242.293 a + 0.097498 β2 15.90531 a + 0.097498 β2 1.264434 a + 0.097498 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 254.6474 a + 0.173738 β2 18.33994 a + 0.173738 β2 1.53435 a + 0.173738 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 262.6203 a + 0.207236 β2 19.41955 a + 0.207236 β2 1.648347 a + 0.207236 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 265.6311 a + 0.219212 β2 19.80308 a + 0.219212 β2 1.688447 a + 0.219212 β2

0 0.51 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 246.8547 a + 0.053877 β2 14.68803 a + 0.053877 β2 1.104994 a + 0.053877 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 243.883 a + 0.115055 β2 16.45269 a + 0.115055 β2 1.327845 a + 0.115055 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 251.8237 a + 0.160816 β2 17.92204 a + 0.160816 β2 1.48963 a + 0.160816 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 258.362 a + 0.189755 β2 18.85717 a + 0.189755 β2 1.589201 a + 0.189755 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 336.9437 a + 0.003625 β2 14.87091 a + 0.003625 β2 0.932355 a + 0.003625 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 299.0812 a + 0.011033 β2 14.39677 a + 0.011033 β2 0.954576 a + 0.011033 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 276.7375 a + 0.019979 β2 14.24224 a + 0.019979 β2 0.984073 a + 0.019979 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 262.8367 a + 0.029656 β2 14.26646 a + 0.029656 β2 1.017636 a + 0.029656 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 408.1397 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 408.1397 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 408.1397 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 408.1397 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.924323 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 408.1397 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.924323 a + 0 β2


Table68:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical Normal Distribution for population IV

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 340.2711 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 345.281 a + 0.105493 β2 20.39472 a + 0.105493 β2 1.275766 a + 0.105493 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 345.281 a + 0.105493 β2 20.39472 a + 0.105493 β2 1.275766 a + 0.105493 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 345.281 a + 0.105493 β2 20.39472 a + 0.105493 β2 1.275766 a + 0.105493 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 345.281 a + 0.105493 β2 20.39472 a + 0.105493 β2 1.275766 a + 0.105493 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 340.2711 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 333.9158 a + 0.085473 β2 19.44206 a + 0.085473 β2 1.204443 a + 0.085473 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 344.0406 a + 0.103351 β2 20.29305 a + 0.103351 β2 1.268205 a + 0.103351 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 345.1559 a + 0.105278 β2 20.38448 a + 0.105278 β2 1.275005 a + 0.105278 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 345.2684 a + 0.105472 β2 20.39369 a + 0.105472 β2 1.27569 a + 0.105472 β2

0 0.775 𝜏 𝑐 340.2711 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 314.4131 a + 0.007303 β2 15.98776 a + 0.007303 β2 0.90676 a + 0.007303 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 309.0091 a + 0.019926 β2 16.42917 a + 0.019926 β2 0.958809 a + 0.019926 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 310.4453 a + 0.033057 β2 16.98626 a + 0.033057 β2 1.009936 a + 0.033057 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 314.3506 a + 0.045325 β2 17.54289 a + 0.045325 β2 1.056594 a + 0.045325 β2


0 0.9 𝜏 𝑐 340.2711 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 325.2462 a + 0.001664 β2 15.8957 a + 0.001664 β2 0.879025 a + 0.001664 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 316.7422 a + 0.005399 β2 15.94085 a + 0.005399 β2 0.898166 a + 0.005399 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 312.0518 a + 0.010142 β2 16.0718 a + 0.010142 β2 0.919003 a + 0.010142 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 309.738 a + 0.015374 β2 16.25346 a + 0.015374 β2 0.940586 a + 0.015374 β2

0 1 𝜏 𝑐 340.2711 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 340.2711 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 340.2711 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 340.2711 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.863202 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 340.2711 a + 0 β2 16 a + 0 β2 0.863202 a + 0 β2


Table69:Expected MSE of linear alternative estimators as compared with that of HHE for the theoretical chi square Distribution for population IV

G Rho Estimator A β2 G A β2 g A β2

0 0 𝜏 𝑐 1614.477 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.890109 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 356.0437 a + 0.771814 β2 37.5296 a + 0.771814 β2 4.656567 a + 0.771814 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 356.0437 a + 0.771814 β2 37.5296 a + 0.771814 β2 4.656567 a + 0.771814 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 356.0437 a + 0.771814 β2 37.5296 a + 0.771814 β2 4.656567 a + 0.771814 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 356.0437 a + 0.771814 β2 37.5296 a + 0.771814 β2 4.656567 a + 0.771814 β2

0 0.1 𝜏 𝑐 1614.477 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.890109 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 294.6133 a + 0.470549 β2 28.77923 a + 0.470549 β2 3.450415 a + 0.470549 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 348.3631 a + 0.732278 β2 36.44641 a + 0.732278 β2 4.506554 a + 0.732278 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 355.2567 a + 0.767739 β2 37.41869 a + 0.767739 β2 4.641199 a + 0.767739 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 355.9648 a + 0.771405 β2 37.51848 a + 0.771405 β2 4.655027 a + 0.771405 β2

0 0.775 𝜏 𝑐 1614.477 a + 0 β2 1 16 a + 0 β2 2 0.890109 a + 0 β2

𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=1 292.1775 a + 0.027213 β2 12.0722 a + 0.027213 β2 1.069921 a + 0.027213 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=2 229.7782 a + 0.06192 β2 13.39109 a + 0.06192 β2 1.322983 a + 0.06192 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=3 220.6601 a + 0.105742 β2 15.37721 a + 0.105742 β2 1.614858 a + 0.105742 β2 𝜏 𝑔,𝑐=4 226.5605 a + 0.158389 β2 17.659 a + 0.158389 β2 1.931919 a + 0.158389 β2