5.5 Suggestions for Further Study
The results and the analysis have revealed some additional questions which need to be answered in future studies. More banks selected factors than the ones included in the research should have an impact on deposits mobilization. It would therefore be interesting to conduct a similar study with different microfinance banks. The dependent variable in the study was the return on assets. However, a suggestion for future studies
1. To replace the return on assets and instead use the return on equity, return on cash flow and net interest income as the dependent variable. Most previous studies have also used the return on assets and it would therefore be interesting to see the impact of a number of selected microfinance banks. A time period of ten years has been used in the study and for future research.
2. I recommend to use a longer time period. It would be interesting to see whether the results from this study are applicable if a study is conducted over a longer period of time or during another time period. Finally determinants of deposit mobilization on microfinance banks should also be investigated in Nigeria.
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4.1 Umuchinemere Pro-credit Microfinance Bank Nigeria Limited for the